Freaky Bank of America commercial

by Elsewhere 10 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Elsewhere

    Has anyone seen the new Bank of America commercial for home mortgages?

    It has a woman writing a letter to her husband about how she misses him. At the end of the letter she says: I love you with every fiber of my being. She then slides the letter under his office door and proceeds to crawl around on the floor kissing the door.

    Is it just me, or is that just freaky? If some woman started acting that way around me Id be afraid of her going psycho and coming after me with a meat cleaver.

    (I've had a few stalkers in my life. At least two - that I know of)

    Edited by - Elsewhere on 7 July 2002 15:24:38

  • Gopher

    The commercial bugged me on another level:

    Why is the wife taking this "I will wait submissively for my white-knight husband to heroically finish this mortagage paperwork, and then I shall be sexually satisfied and we'll live happily ever after" approach?

    Secondly, why aren't they working together on the dang paperwork? Who makes the rules that the husband handles the important stuff?

    I agree that the commercial is disconcerting, and sells shock to push their brand name.

  • Elsewhere

    Maybe the couple are JW's???

  • raven101

    Hey Elsewhere and Gopher, I agree with both your points. How can we ever really make progress as a species if the media keeps pumping the same old sewage into our heads? Probably the worst ones I can think of right now are for a car (don't ask me which one)

    They are obviously trying to sell to men because one shows a daughter proudly holding up her honors student bumper sticker and saying something like "Look what I earned daddy, can we put it on your car?" he looks at his precious car and says "Let's go put it on mommys car!" The other one a father takes his baby out for a ride in his precious car, the sprinkler is on and there are a few drops of water on the trunk, the baby is in only a cloth diaper and the 'daddy' cooing and pretending to play with the baby puts it down to sop up the water!!!!

    These really pissed me off, what's the message here? A real man values his car far above his children. What will their next installment be I wonder, maybe the father will have a the choice of running over his kid or hitting a wall with his car. Next scene he will be calling 911 "There's been an accident!" Then in the next one he can be lovingly buffing his undented bumper in the hospital parking lot.

    I really hate that one, if I notice which idiotic company sells it I may even write the jerks a letter!


  • Xandria

    That B of A commerical insults the women's right to make a decision in her life. In a society where women have more of a voice than in some countries, that commercial insults not only the intelligence of women. But puts us back in the role of submissive, can't handle anything; need a strong man to handle everything b/s. I wonder if Bank of America would want this type of society ? By thier 1950's-early 70's type of advertising.. I wonder.

    In the balances of extremes .. it is not as bad as below. But it makes you wonder where they stand ?

    Kuwaiti laws discriminate against women and Bidun population in many aspects of their daily life, and there are severe restrictions of freedom of expression. In regard to women's rights, the report covered three major issues: family law, criminal law, and laws and practices regulating voting, public service, and public affairs.

    According to the report,

      A woman is never free to make a marriage decision on her own.
      A woman's testimony in court is lesser than a man's.
      The minimum age for registering a marriage is fifteen for women, two years younger than that of men.
      A wife may only engage in "permissible work" outside the marital home if it is not contrary to the family's interest.
      Under Kuwaiti law, a husband has a unilateral and unconditional right to divorce his wife.
      A man who murders a female relative in the so called "honor killings" is subject to the penalty for manslaughter, and will serve not more than three years of imprisonment and/or a fine.
      Women are denied all rights to vote and stand for election. There are no women judge in the court of cassation, appeals court, and court of first instance.
      Women can own property. But when a marriage is arranged it becomes the property of her husband.
                              • SixofNine

                                I haven't seen these. I do believe though, that if a commercial is meant to be humourous, perhaps poking fun at a stereotype (or even just acknowledgeing a social reality, ideal or not), while making a point about a product at the same time, it should be critiqued on that same level. Advertisers do not have any inherent responsibility to reflect sensiblilities that are higher than their customers. IMO, it's nice when they do, but I don't hold them to any responsibility in that regard. Advertisers certainly make sure they know those sensibilities. Still, they do let some boneheaded concepts pass thru, so if it bothers you, let them know. They do listen when enough people complain.

                                David, I'm still not convinced that Xena is stalking you

                              • Xander
                                meant to be humourous, perhaps poking fun at a stereotype (or even just acknowledgeing a social reality, ideal or not)

                                Being familiar with the commercials in question, I'd opt for the 'acknowledging a social reality'.

                                Yes, women have a major voice in our culture. Yes, there are even a LOT of successful single moms, etc.

                                But, quick show of many here are married and the husband does NOT do most of the financial work?

                                As to the 'guys car commercials' - sorry, Raven, but I think you overreact.

                                A real man values his car far above his children

                                I don't even see where you could get the message. Does 'valuing your children' mean sticking their stickers and awards all over the place? (*TACKY*) Does 'valuing your children' mean giving them attention completely and exclusively and if the opportunity arrises to wife off your car with their cloth diaper you shouldn't do it because it somehow demeans your love for them???

                                Even if this WAS the message the commercial was putting out (it wasn't - they were just trying to sell cars to family guys) there is hardly anything that shows value 'FAR above his children'.

                              • raven101


                                I guess it's all a matter of perspective hon', to a lot of parents if displaying a 'tacky' sticker to celebrate and acknowledge their childs achievement will make said child feel loved and appreciated, it would be well worth enduring the embarrassment and inconvenience of temporarily mussing up a perfectly good bumper.

                                Then again it's a matter of priority.

                                Hey, by the way, didn't I see you buffing your bumper in the hospital parking lot the other day?

                                Peace baby


                              • VeniceIT

                                And here I thought it was a commercial about how long it takes to get a loan!!!! Sheesh I'm soo out of it, I missed the whole point, or did I???


                              • zenpunk

                                That commercial made my skin crawl - now I know why!

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