Disfellowshipping Image

by naazira 150 Replies latest jw friends

  • OrphanCrow
    Alwaysbusy: Maybe my glasses are foggy, but does it look like there is a face on the right wall, next to the df'd woman?

    Yes, I can see what you see. It is very vague...but it does resemble a face. Ghostly.

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  • SAHS

    “millie210”: “Is there any record of anyone getting stoned to death other than in the Bible?

    Actually, yes. ISIS.

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  • LisaRose
    The Stoning of Soraya M. is a recent movie based on a true story. It's well done and well worth watching to see what happens when old testament bible rules are applied in modern times.
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  • millie210

    Thank you SAHS and Lisa. I appreciate you taking time to answer.

    I wasnt very clear in my post....what I was really wondering is if the whole stoning thing was carried out in a big or formal way under the Law.

    We have all read it but I havent read stories in the Bible or historical accounts of the time where it was as common place as DFing is today.

    ...Fornication would have been a stoning offense, right? Yet under the Law if a man raped a virgin, he had to pay the bride price and then marry her, right? So where was all the stoning?

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    If we are to imagine things in the background we can see a pair of buttocks from what would be someone bending over and spread eagle. It's right between and above the heads of the two brothers talking to each other.

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  • fulano

    Strange face in the left sleeve of the sister with

    poney-tail. The face is looking to the Child.

    And a cross sign next to the Blue dress.

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  • Listener
    There are two cross signs in the door behind the lady and the door, even though it is open, does not resemble the other half of the door whatsoever.
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  • cofty
    This is the sort of conversation that makes ex-JWs sound paranoid.
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  • punkofnice

    No matter if there are weird things hidden in the picture or not....I keep an open mind.

    However, to me at least, the main issue around this picture is the evil of shunning. That 'the happiest people on earth(tm)' can justify such vile and inhuman treatment beggars belief.

    My message to non JWs based on this picture, is AVOID JOINING THE WATCHTOWER CORPORATION!

    Shun the Watchtower corporation (not the deluded individuals within it), and have a good life without them interfering with you and your kids.

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  • OrphanCrow

    This is the sort of conversation that would be called a critique of the image in any one of several university classes. This is the sort of conversation that would occur in a Media Studies Class, a photographic theory class, a cultural studies class....etc...

    It is not paranoia - it is dismantling the meaning of visual language in an attempt to understand it. You know, like exjws do with the doctrine and Bibble - they dismantle it, they take it apart, they scrutinize it.

    They throw ideas around to try to understand the text - not all of those ideas are correct, or logical...some ideas about doctrine are pretty paranoid and some are completely off the wall.

    And guess what? They aren't ridiculed for it. Exjws aren't called paranoid when they take apart say....the 1914 doctrine, or maybe the blood doctrine, for example, as it is written in alphabetic text. But those same posters will deride somebody because they make visual associations with a Wt image.

    Yes, now that I am thinking about it...exjws ARE paranoid - I wonder why that is??? Would it have anything to do with the power of the image to make associations at an individual level? The meaning of any image cannot be controlled as much as the meaning of text can be - an image is fluid - it can mean something different to each viewer. Each person can see the image in their own way.

    If someone sees a cross in the image, or whatever else they see, they should state what it is they see, what it means to them and why. That is exactly how a viewer takes control of the image rather than letting the image control them.

    There is no one meaning to an image - it doesn't mean the same thing to each and every person who sees it - and not everybody sees the same things in it.

    Ridiculing someone for trying to read the image is the same as the illiterate man who ridicules a child for learning their abc's.

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