Oh, no-o-o-o...can they see my computer screen, too...???
I was told the same crap, too about saying out loud certain 'secrets' or 'fears' we had. My Mom had told me about another JW woman relative who, "felt a presence in her room at night"...basically, she was raped by a Demon I never could figure out how that could happen, being a spirit and all.
I never heard about the facial expressions tho'.
I remember eating Supper at a Catholic friends house when I was in 3rd grade...he had 13 brothers and sisters...all about 1 year apart. (No Birth Control) I looked up on their Kitchen wall and noticed this really fat dude, dressed all in white with lots of jewelry on and wearing a huge tall hat with more jewels and stuff. With my mouth full...I said, "Who's the fat guy?" 15 people go --> *gasp* then......... DEAD SILENCE........................ 30 eyes...are looking at me with shock, hurt and contempt.......the pregnant and barefoot Mom looks at me and st-st-stammers... lil' wabbit...! What did you say...?? uhhhhh, "Who's the fat guy?", ma'am? ( See I was honest, polite and stupid, haven't changed a bit either! ) Anyway, the Mom says..."you've just commited a Mortal Sin ! THAT"S THE POPE !!!!!!! Me: uh, "Who's that...?"
Supper was over abruptly. Something was very wrong...I asked my friend on the way home, "What did I do wrong and what was a 'mortal sin?" It sounded bad. He told me it was the worst kinda sin you could do -- saying something bad about the Pope. "But, he was fat... " "Doesn't matter, he says, you're not supposed to say it out loud". "The Devil lives underground and he can come up and "grab" you when you're on the toilet!"
I was scared shitless for days...until I told my Mom about it. She said it was not true...Satan could not hurt me in anyway, besides that...Catholics were not the true religion and the Pope was just a normal man. Whew ! The toilet was my friend -- again. All was right with the world.
Note to self: Why would Satan come get me sittin' on th' pot...when I insulted the Pope, not him...unless...unless...he's the P...., nah...