Add in the fact that many would not seek counseling now, and were prohibited from seeking counseling in years past, and you have a volitile mix. My aunt was depressed for years but was only treated toward the end of her life. Treatment however, was too late and did not eliminate the cause of the problem. The cause that a JW would not admit.
Sucides-WT-mental illness
by moman 15 Replies latest jw friends
nancee park
Scootergirl, you're welcome.
Amazing, you heard wrong. The studies are solid or the professionals who had to review and consider if to publish Bergman's article would not have published them. And these aren't Bergman's "own" studies but studies he is referring to. The WTS has gone to big lengths on this board and H2O to disseminate the idea that these studies are "weak." Guess why.
Amazing, I do agree it is likely that there are so many JWs with mental health problems not only because of the WTS but also because many who are depressed have been drawn to the nicer seeming aspect of "living forever in perfect health on a paradise earth." There's nothing to matter with this good belief, though, but every thing to matter with the cult's pressure, pressure, pressure, deceptions so common it's called "theocratic warfare" and the like.
Amazing is correct in his statements. The fact that you don't want to agree with him doesn't make his comments wrong.
No where on the link you provided does it say that bergman's paper was published by anyone other than himself. Who was this alleged board of peers that you claim reviewed the paper? If it was published in such a prestigious journal as you purport one would think that Mr. Bergman would provide his adoring public with a citation to said journal.
So far I have only seen you and Jerry Bergman himself claim he is highly respected.
Are you his wife or lover or something? I just don't understand your almost godlike worship of the man.
Re. Momon
In reference to your analasys of Jehovah`s Witnesses.
It shows a deep hatred for Gods organizasion, and where there is hatred, there is no truth.
You condemn them for changed predictions, how can a child know all that its parents know without learning, (being taught)? The same applies to Jehovah`s people who are taught by Jehovah. He knows that they will not grasp everything at once, so he feeds them gently.
Considering as you say, you have at one time been in the truth, how can you conclude that they are not trying to live by Gods word.
I must confess, all of Jehovah`s Witnesses that I have ever known, and that is hundreds, I can honestly say that I have never met an unhappy one.
If people feel the need to leave Jehovah`s Organization, they obviously have decided not to know the living God and must have been using the organization for their own ends.
Also, the Watchtower and Awake magazines plus any other publication that they have produced, always puts Jehovah God and His Kingdom interests first. I have never read in any publication of theirs whereby one must put the Watchtower before God Almighty and or ones own family. One is constantly reminded, to put ones own house in order before baptism or going out from door to door.
You are obviously blaming Jehovah`s organization for the frailities of mankind in general.
Yes they do work hard, not only in their secular work, but also in spreading the Kingdom message, that Jesus told them to do, just as HE did, for his Farther. Jehovah.
Edited by - carepet on 9 July 2002 15:34:21
Edited by - carepet on 9 July 2002 15:38:56
Nancee, I made my comments on another thread, so I won't repeat them here. What I plan to do next week is send away for a copy of every research article that Bergman cites. I haven't done this in the past because the summaries of them in Bergman's book showed glaring errors. But, I will reveiw these in the near future and give a full report. By the way, I would like your comments on my objections to Bergman's work, that I made on the other thread.
carepet, I'll give you a break because you are new, but just keep reading with an open mind & do your research!