So I just need to vent a little. My husband is going to the Mass. convention this up coming weekend with his parents. I of course am not going . So I told him that i would miss him and he says "well you could come . Wouldn't you like to see all of your friends? They'd prob. like to see you." What friends would those be the ones that haven't called me in two years? MY number is still the same , i live in the same place. I'm not disfellowshipped i just don't go , and i got tired of calling them and them saying "oh yeah we'll have to get together sometime, but now isn't a good time". So fine don't be my friend ,i guess witnesses don't know the meaning of the word. I said to my husband "ok i'll go . I can always stay outside and talk to the apostates picketing the convention . Maybe they'll have an extra sign i could carry. And i could talk to the only people there who can think for themselves." After that he said maybe i should stay home.He tells me i have some anger issues. Yeah i have some anger issues . IT's like when you over sleep and miss soething really important. You wake up and look at the alarm clock through sleepy eyes and realize OH MY GOD! I OVER SLEPT!! I MISSED IT!!! Well i over slept by 29 years and now i'm awake and i look back at all i missed and i'm a bit ticked. But thanks for listening . I'm soo glad i found this website its keeping me sane in the insane world of witness land.
friends? HA!
by annalice 13 Replies latest jw friends
I'm sorry to hear that and can only imagine your pain. I have missed 5 years of my life, but it is a hard 5 years, from 19-24. I need to leave soon but every time I try I get yanked back in with guilt. I hope I don't waste anymore years of my life.
Hi Annalice: yes, I realte with 25 years sacrificed to the Borg as well ... Yes, your anger is not only understandable, but normal necessary as part of working through the sense of betrayal, pain, and at times we blame ourselves too for allowing the WTS to mislead us ... and all that stuff has to be addressed ... may take some years to work through ... but that is the good think about fourms like this one ... plenty of fellow ex-JWs who understand, share and support one another (except for ocassional flame wars) but for the most part we do very well.
Welcome, welcome. I'm so glad you're here. I missed some stuff, but not much since I had one foot in and one foot out the entire time. So I went to college, got a couple of degrees, sucumbed to coeds (as many times as possible of an evening, Har!) and did all the other stuff a normal young man would do in the sixties. What fun.
I hope we'll be able to help you deal with your anger issues. There's a lot of it here. I have my own in fact because I lost some members of my family that I particularly cared about. I still can't believe they put that damned organization before someone they were supposed to care about. Don't let me get started.
Again, welcome. I'll be watching for your posts.
Annalice, I think I'd be having anger issues with your husband! Why is he subjecting himself to a weekend of mindless drivel? When he told you you have anger issues I would have asked him if he was prepared to investigate why you have them? God knows you have plenty of reasons for them. So what is wrong with him for creating more issues to make your blood boil!!!
Marilyn ps Give hubby a chore for the weekend - ask him to count how many times they are told to be loyal to the Organisation.
i'll have to suggest that to my husband. He won't do it but it will be there in his head to think about. He doesn't go to meetings , only the memorial and the conventions . i think he goes to the conventions so that his family will see him there. They all attend different kingdom halls than him.So i guess its to make them think that he is still fully loyal. He's VERY blind to anything negative about the witnesses.
Annalice, I used the hear the same thing from the JW wife while I was inactive. Even after DAing, she would still try to get me to go. Since we split up, I finally have some peace. The whole time I was inactive, the only calls I received were from dubs looking for me to repair their cars and save them money.
Friends in the dubs? Other than one or two maybe, I made no friends. Any friendly comments I received were so plastic they made me want to leave. During my five years of inactive status, I had maybe three elders visits, the last one resulting in me kicking them out. I don't call that friendly. When I explained why I had stopped going to meetings, all I heard was that they couldn't help me until my meeting attendance and service hours were up where they should be. Never mind that was why they were down in the first place.
No, the only time I saw friendliness was when they wanted something.
Lew W
I need to leave soon but every time I try I get yanked back in with guilt
*hugs to you truth* eventually you will leave, and you will be so happy you did!!
Have you posted your experience online as of yet? I ask because I am always intrigued by the courageous wives who come to realize the truth about the organization and take their stand long before their "spiritual heads." Strikes me as kind of ironic that the very ones the organization so devalued and disdained are often the ones who snap out of the cult mentality long before "those taking the lead" among "God's people." <smirk, snort>.
Thanks for your post and know that there are many of us trodding in the very same footwear as your own!
Nothing like conditional love huh? I love you under the condition that you do exactly as I say, and believing only as I tell you to believe.. No questions!!!