I was just thinking and wondering,what do you think would happen if the WTS admitted to child molestation in the organization?How do you think they would spin it off,do you think they would try to find some other "biblical" explanation?With all the instances of the wts getting involved with "the world",such as investing in questionable companies,the u.n. scandal and so on do you think there would be that much outcry from the members around the world?I'm interested in everyone's thoughts on this,I personally feel that the more coverage the wts gets on child molestation the less they will be able to deny it and eventually they will have to admit to something.Give me your thoughts and opinions on the subject.
What would happen if the WTS admits to coverup
by obiwan 15 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Didn't you see the thread where the WTS compared ITSELF with a diamond, which is absolutely beautiful, but upon looking very close, one could see a few flaws? THAT'S what they think of themselves.
A better analogy is that the WTS is a huge sewer with a 1/2 quart of clean water mixed in with all the shit.
Edited by - Farkel on 9 July 2002 13:3:38
They would deny it even from their DEATHBEDS! You just DO NOT understand how fanatical some Dubs, esp. the ones in higher places, are!!!!
The BOrganization is PERFECT and INCORRUPTABLE and NEVER MAKES MISTAKES! Anyone who feels otherwise is up for ousting!
I do realize they think they are perfect,but with all the media gearing up showing this problem surely they would admit to something and spin it off so they wouldn't loose members.
WBTS has already adressed the problem and as far as their concerned they are handling the problem just fine.Pediphiles will continue to be protected.Anybody who dosen`t like it can leave or be tossed out..>>>LOL Farkel,man you crack me up!!...OUTLAW
They'd compare it to something in the Bible where someone faithful was admonished, was punished and repented (David and Bathsheba for example). They'd be the David Class, and all the sick child molesters they've been protecting would be the Bathsheba class, and the innocent victims would be the Uriah Class.
They would say the light has got lighter! Done it before.........
They would say the light has got lighter! Done it before.........
Agreed, and just like before, they did nothing wrong.. Maybe a few brothers were over-zealous or something, but they would some how blame the R&F for the past mistakes, claim new light, and move on to the next victim (oops, I mean mis-application of scripture)...
that's a good question............. maybe when the gov body and all their lawyers are in jail, for conspiracy,........ they can think about it for a while........ sorta like when rutherford was thrown in jail......... and he dreamed up a scheme to convince his followers it was rev 11: 7-10......... maybe they can call it new light, and use those same verses again.
What happened with the UN fiasco? They rode it out.