Michael Jackson (Full of $%@#)

by out4good3 11 Replies latest social entertainment

  • out4good3

    Vent On

    I can't possibly be the only one feeling this way.

    Here's a self-professed maybe ex JW pedophile whose made upwards to a billion dollars selling records now using the race card. Michael Jackson...using the race card.

    Could it be sour grapes because the album he spent 50 million producing was a complete and utter flop? Could it be that people have gotten tired of his antics and the clearly scripted bull he's used for the past 20 years to call attention to himself? Could it be that because of his album flop that he'll most like spend the rest of his life paying off all the debt he's accrued from SONY, that's if they don't forclose on everything he owns first?

    In my opinion, speaking from a black perspective, he's only pulling the race card to find wiggle room out of the mounting debt he's accumulated and he needs an issue he can jump on to try to save his otherwise sagging to almost dead career. He should just face that fact and move on to the land of other has been superstars with at least some of his dignity intact.

    Invincible.........NOT !!!!!

    vent off


    (just another f****** opinion)


    Hey out4good3,I was watching Cnn last night.They said the record company spent 60million on the cd and only 2million copies have been sold.The announcer said he figured MJ had given most of the cd`s away at Liza Minelli`s wedding..LOL...OUTLAW

  • zenpunk

    MJ isn't even black anymore - have you seen photos of him lately (is it really true he has some sort of disease - or is it just plastic surgery addiction)? Anyway, when the fame is over, people should just retire with their millions and shut up.

  • Farkel


    Jackson was a cute kid. Too bad he didn't trust God enough to work with the body he was given.

    Has his fake nose fallen off yet?


  • Moridin

    I believe he really does have the disease. My father has a similiar disease except it does the opposite for him. His skin is becoming darker. It started in his face and is moving. He uses a special medicated cream to hide the blemishes.

  • SYN

    Ah, America, the only country where a young black boy can grow up to be an old white woman!

  • Simon

    You mean he's black !?! lol

    He is one wierd, messed up guy. What the heck was he thinking with all that surgery? ("Make me look like Liz")

    I think it is a pathetic attempt at publicity and nothing more. I heard that he had to put-up the rights to the Beatles songs that he bought as surety for Sony spending so much on his latest Album. I don't think they will be too bothered that it hasn't sold so good.

  • 144001


    Amen! Apparently, he's trying to get out of his contract with Sony, but he needs to learn to live up to his commitments. When that contract was negotiated, he was at the peak of his career and had the best leverage/bargaining power that any musician, white or black, could ever dream of. He was represented by very talented counsel, and he has nothing to complain about.

    Maybe if he'd avoided unsavory and costly situations and spent money a little less lavishly he wouldn't be in the predicament he's in now.

    It's too bad, I liked the 80s MJ. I still think he's one of the most talented musician/dancers there is. It's a shame he's resorted to the race card, which is totally irrelevant to him. I think his recent actions are extremely foolish and will diminish his career prospects going forward (there's only 5 major record companies - and they are all watching).

    Oh well. Who cares? LOL

  • FriendlyFellaAL

    I was a big fan of MJ for a very, very long time. For quite some time he could literally do no wrong musically, but come on...$50,000,000.00 for a single album? That kind of figure just boggles the mind. Where in the world could you possibly spend that kind of money on an album?

    IMHO, Sony has no one but themselves to blame for that kind of cash expenditure. They certainly had to be getting some sort of financial accounting for the album's cost as it was underway.


  • JT

    "Rev. William Draper, once black, is now white in answer to prayer." (Watchtower Magazine 10/1/1900, p..2707)

    "White people living in China eventually produce Chinese offspring -- without intermarrying -- due to the influence of soil and climate." (Watchtower Magazine 7/15/1902, p.3043)


    Ths Slave was way ahead of the world in reconizing that issue on black and white as can be seen by this fine spiritual food

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