Whati means to be JW

by Dawn 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dawn

    I couldn't resist - some people are so POMPOUS!!- just had to post this message that I read on another board.....Um....complete with my additions shown in red

    * T o serve and worship our Creator, the only true God, Jehovah, is the ultimate honour, more valuable and precious than all the money and possessions, status, etc in the world.

    * To be named after Jehovah our Father is a priveledge and we should be proud to called one of His Witnesses and never ever be ashamed or embarrassed. Besides, are so many other reasons to be ashamed and embarrassed

    * Even though we endure insults, lies, misunderstandings thrown at us and much more, we carry on serving Jehovah regardless. Even though we endure insults, lies, misunderstandings thrown at us by those that were once called our "family and friends" because a society of man-made rules tells them to, we carry on regardless.

    * We are the ONLY people on Ear th hated for serving our Creator. We are the most loathed people around , but we are loved and treasured by those that REALLY matter - Jehovah, Jesus His son, the 144,000 and the billions and billions of angels and our fellow brothers and sisters. So why worry what others think when we have all this love shown towards us?

    JW's always think they are the only ones suffering because of their faith - get REAL. 6,000+ Christians were killed worldwide in 2000 because of their faith, what about the missionaries in Afghanistan that were facing the death penalty for preaching the gospel? Oh yea, and those 6 million Jews - I guess they were really loved by everyone that's why they were exterminated. The only people that really loath JW's are those that have been hurt by them.

    * We are more courageous than postmen as we STILL knock on doors that have big dogs behind them!And you didn't learn the first time? One day I think I'll bite the next dog back! Lol....see how HE likes it!

    * We are healthier on average than non-Witnesses because we follow Jehovah's laws on how to think positively, how to feel i.e. stay calm hence avoid high blood pressure and heart attacks through stress and anger, how to protect ourselves from diseases (std's and smoking-related for example) and more hmm...guess they don't know about the statistics on depression and suicide. My dad was an ELDER and died from a massive heart-attack - too bad he didn't get to read her post first.

    * We are very fit - count the miles we walk every month in the minisitry!All 15 minutes of it

  • Fredhall


    It very often that we hear of a postman get attacked by a cat.

  • StinkyPantz

    What a bunch of BS!

  • expatbrit
    We are very fit - count the miles we walk every month in the minisitry!

    Good job they keep their energy up with all those doughnuts at breaktime.


    Edited by - expatbrit on 9 July 2002 15:58:21

  • RedhorseWoman
    * We are healthier on average than non-Witnesses because we follow Jehovah's laws on how to think positively, how to feel i.e. stay calm hence avoid high blood pressure and heart attacks through stress and anger, how to protect ourselves from diseases (std's and smoking-related for example) and more
    * We are very fit - count the miles we walk every month in the minisitry!

    Oh, now these two are REALLY good. All of the JWs I knew were constantly going to whatever new alternative health practitioner there was in the area. Many of them (especially sisters) were sure that they had chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia, or were just plain sick and needed constant attention.

    Of course, there's absolutely NO stress for anyone who is attempting to earn a living, study for five meetings a week, attend those meetings, get out in field service on the weekends (or in the evenings as was often suggested), have a personal Bible study with the family, attend several assemblies, and try to keep the household in a manageable condition. No stress at all. (sheesh)

    Any child that couldn't sit still for two boring hours at the Hall was considered to have ADD, and many of them were on drugs to calm their "hyperactivity".

    I don't know many JWs who walked much at all out in service. Most of the time, the car group leader would park in the middle of a block, and the most anybody walked was a quarter of a mile or less.

    However, I do remember the articles that cautioned us about devoting too much time to exercising or getting fit, since it could keep up away from our spiritual responsibilities. The myth always was that JWs do SO much walking out in service that they don't need to exercise.

  • Nikita

    Oh my, can you believe we ever fell for that stuff?

    * We are healthier on average than non-Witnesses because we follow Jehovah's laws on how to think positively, how to feel i.e. stay calm hence avoid high blood pressure and heart attacks through stress and anger, how to protect ourselves from diseases (std's and smoking-related for example) and more

    I'm sorry, but the JW's I knew were just human beings like everyone else. I knew a few that were closet smokers and alcoholics. There were gossipers and hypocrites, too. Why do they always condemn the rest of the world but fail to see their own faults?!


  • zenpunk

    You said it perfectly Redhorse Woman! That sounds just like my old congregation. When I was a regular pioneer all the sisters just complained about how sick they were and fell asleep in the car. People hated working with me because I would make everyone walk (plus - you called on a lot less houses that way, when you parked the car and walked for miles!)

  • SYN
    It very often that we hear of a postman get attacked by a cat.

    Ah yes, the rabid feline menace, a nightmare for every Dub! Didn't you just hate it when your head disappeared into a whirling cloud of claws and fur and meowing every time you knocked on the doors? Or when you were attacked by flying furry missiles every time you opened a gate? Or when your ass was set on fire by a fussilade of sharp little claws upon leaving said property?

    Edited to add: Damn Apostate Cats!

    Edited by - SYN on 9 July 2002 16:40:36

  • Andyman

    Boy did you hit it on the now Redhorsewoman. My old congregation was just like what you described. All the sisters were going to "alternative specialists", or quacks I should say, because what ever new disease or syndrome that was going around, they were sure they had it!

    We had two sisters who pushed their "alternative specialist" on everyone else, both were elders wives. One was into the "vitamin cure" and sold vitamins tht could cure "all your problems", for the right price that is! The other one was into "accupressure", which may do some good but the lady who practiced it was some con woman who was taking the JW's to the cleaners with her "contributions" for her so called cures. Usually after she worked on someone they couldn't function for days. Of course her claim was "you have to feel bad to get better"! She was turned in to the police for practicing without a licsense, but went to JW's homes and did her work there. She "taught" the elders wife who was "pushing" her cure how to do the "work" on everyone. Charged her a couple hundred dollars and then split owing all kinds of bills around town. Now the elders wife "diagnoses" the sisters, treats them, and she gets the "donation" for helping them. Most end up worse than before they started!

    Healthier? I really doubt it!

    Take care.


  • bad_associashun

    "We are healthier, we are fit, we endure..." What a load of it.

    Without that morning coffee & sugar buzz, most wouldn't make it til noon, for the lunch nap.

    Such a humble, modest people too.

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