I am completely overwhelmed by the caring that has gone on here in my situation. I will tell everyone a little abut my mother and sister. Both were babtized JWs. for over 30 years. came into the truth in the early 70s with the promise of the end soon to come. My sister was my older sister. She died from Colon Cancer. Never sick and never showed any systems, untill she started loosing weight, lots of it. She died the most horrible dead that anyone could ever imagine. She was such a good person and so trusting. I prayed night and day for her, but no answers ever came. When she became ill she came to live by me till she passed. I could go on and on about the JWs treated her, but i dont want to even think of that anymore.My sister was very very intelligent and looked almost like Liz taylor. She had many many talents.
My mother was a very good person. She was an avid animal lover. of which the JWs always put her down for. She lived with me from 1995 till her death and I took care of her. The day she died she was to come home from the hospital. She died in my arms. I still have nightmares all the time about it. I know she would not want me to be in the shape im in, but I dont know what to do about it. Ive tried. Im loosing my job, my home everything, because I cant function anymore..Thanks for lisening and caring and for being here. Thank You.