Why The WTS is Grateful To APOSTATES!!!!!!

by ISP 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • ISP

    Because we sharpen their act.

    We point out crap in their literature....regularly and in detail.

    Consider the UN situation.....they would still be atop of the Scarlet coloured Wild beast if it was not because of Apostates. Possibly incurring Gods great displeasure and other stuff.

    Notice the gratitude mentioned in the last paragraph!!

    The paedophile situation maybe another where we do them a favour because the WTS leadership are too dumb to see it. There maybe some polioy change in the future. Who knows? They don't do things quick....it might be five years from now. But it would have been done because of apostates.

    We do a better job at directing the damn WTS along the right road than its active King JC, the enthroned anointed, the living but not dead anointed (what use they are..can just about wipe their backsides), the myriads of angels and Jehovah the Manic God.

    Whose side are we on?


    Edited by - ISP on 9 July 2002 19:20:51

    Edited by - ISP on 9 July 2002 19:22:18

    Edited by - ISP on 9 July 2002 19:26:43

  • ballistic

    Yes, but we also point out that their constant changing of doctrine and 'new light' proves they are not God's faithful and discreet slave.

  • ISP

    Yep.....we even told them that! They should be mighty relieved! Trying to be the FDS was way hard thing to do. All those prophecies and stuff.


  • hillary_step


    But did not Jehovah use the wild and unruly Assyrian and the Babylonian opposers to 'adjust' his people in the past?

    Apostates you must understand fulfill the anti-typical role of the dastardly hordes who in the past were used as the rod that without mercy , smacked Jewish bottoms. So you see apostates *do* come in handy. They actually save the GB from having to think at all, a craft that does come naturally to many of them, believe me.

    Excuse me.. I was momentarily distracted by the thought of Kent and AlanF in Assyrian battle gear..not so hard to imagine actually.lol


  • Francois

    Notice the improper use of a comma in the next to last paragraph? Or is that a squashed bug?


  • ISP

    Hey the Assyrians adjusted the skin off ya or did other adjusting to ya......we're not that bad then..

    *** g72 6/22 27 Assyria-Militaristic Empire ***
    Cruel indeed was the treatment that the Assyrians meted out to their captives of war. Some were burned or skinned alive. Others were impaled atop pointed stakes that were run up through their abdomen into their chest cavity. Still others were blinded or had their noses, ears and fingers cut off.


  • termite 35
    termite 35

    Hilarystep;you are spot on!

    I have actually had that illustration quoted to me.

    It's just more proof that it IS Jehovahs organisation, to them; as there's the proof; he wants it kept clean-by any means-even through apoatates!

  • pomegranate
    The scholarship that forms the basis for the rendering of the above-cited texts in the New World Translation is sound...

    Sound my arse...

    There is not one "Bible scholar" that supports their NWT renderings...liars.

  • ISP

    I guess we sharpened their act with Greber, also!


  • AlanF

    Hillary, you don't want to see me in Assyrian battle gear. Imagine me in a pink leotard and ballet skirt and you'll get about the right idea. It don't fit.


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