I Gave Away My Hair

by Dutchie 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • BeautifulGarbage


    What a tremendously generous thing for you to do! I know how I am about my hair, and it's only a bit below my shoulders. I always DREAMED of having long hair like you.

    Spent alot of time in clinics filled with children being treated for cancer. For the very young ones, loss of hair is not much of an issue. But some the older kids, especially girls, are very bothered by it. Because of you, a kid is going to look in the mirror and smile.

    Thank you.


  • Beck_Melbourne

    Dutchie...you are a true gem in my eyes. I know the glory of long hair and alas, it is my ONLY vanity. I believe your heart extends far greater lengths then your hair will ever match. And the girls are right, it will grow back. What a truly beautiful gesture Dutchie.


  • teejay

    38 yrs old and never had a hair cut? What's wrong w/ you, Man?!!

    You crazy or something? Your hair's the first thing people notice about you, eh? I BET!! I can even imagine what's running thru their minds. You don't see many dudes people walking around with three foot hair these days.

    Nice job.

  • DakotaRed

    Uh, TeeJay, Dutchie is a lady. A very sweet one at that.

    As for what I first noticed about Dutchie, it was her heart and sweetness.

    Lew W

  • Joyzabel


    What a wonderful thing you did. I know it must have been very "emotional" painful to part with a part of yourself, but what an unselfish thing you gave a piece of yourself for. I know you made a young child happy with your generousity.



  • Incense_and_Peppermints
  • NeonRainbow

    aaargh! it did that weird "post could not be read" thingie again. that sucks! here's what i posted:

    you know what i always say? that angels aren't spirit creatures who come down from heaven doing good deeds. they are flesh and blood and they walk on earth, helping their fellow human beings. you have made some little girl very happy!

    ~incense and peppermints

  • dungbeetle

    Wigs For Kids


    Locks of Love


    I actually went in to donate hair, but the requirement is ten inches and when all the spit ends were cut off, it was only 9 and 1/2 inches and that's if I shaved my head!!!

    Will try again later, my hair grows so slooooow...

    (((((((( Dutchie ))))))))

  • jack2

    Dutchie, you're such a sweetie!! (((((((((((((((Dutchie)))))))))))))))

  • VeniceIT

    WOW that is sooo wonderful!!! I bet it was hard for you to do, but you'll be soo glad you did. The lady at works son grows his hair out twice a year and then has it shaved and they make wigs for kids with it. He has incredible long thick hair. It's a true gift!


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