Why does everybody in the know speak so negatively of Jaracz?
by minimus 41 Replies latest jw experiences
I remember him. When I was a little kid he was our congregation's district "servant". I read in R Franz' book he's at headquarters now. What's up with him?
He's on the GB and he gives the looooogest most boooooring closing prayers. (2001 Long Beach).
IF you are at a convention and he will be giving the closing prayer...or any prayer....USE THE BATHROOM IN ADVANCE cause you will be waiting and waiting and oh-so-miserable..I learned the HARD WAY....my d**n EYEBALLS were floating by the time he was done.
Oh yes, I remember those prayers. I think he was the one giving a closing prayer one time at a circuit assembly. It went on and on and on and my poor little brother was standing right behind a kid who was standing up on his chair and who blew a giant fart about six inches from my brother's face. My brother started crying and I got a horrible case of the giggles. My Dad thumped both of us after the prayer was over. I'm SURE that was Jaracz.
Jaracz is the true power behind the curtain in the Watchtower Society. In Bethel he's called "The Boss" because he acts the part. Something of the hardness of Rutherford, the braindead naivete of Fred Franz, the administrative ability of Nathan Knorr and the supreme confidence that he has been appointed to his position by God as Russell. He and most Bethelites act as if he inherited old Freddy's "mantle of power".
Jaracz has managed to alienate a significant fraction of Bethelites and R&F JWs. Many JWs have about as much use for Jaracz as they do for a cobra. He does not hesitate to personally berate anyone who crosses him or even makes a simple mistake.
Worst of all, Jaracz directs the Service Department such that its goal in child molestation cases is to cover them up. He is the one person responsible for the Society's intransigence on child molestation issues. In years past, Jaracz has personally instructed various Circuit and District Overseers to do everything needed to cajole or threaten abused JWs to keep quiet. He has even been accused of being a molester himself, although that remains to be proved.
In short, Jaracz abuses people and that's why he's hated so much, especially in Bethel.
A close JW relative knew TJ back in NY in the 50s (they were about the same age). She didn't mention specifics, but made it very clear that she even then virtually despised his cocky attitude. Her NY contacts confirm that he hasn't changed. She thinks he is one of the biggest reasons WTS is having so many problems.
Some people never change!
Some people never change!
Because they haven't "put on the new personality"? It would be difficult for someone who presides over a system that routinely denies a direct relationship with Christ, I suppose.
Cheers, Ozzie
The reason why I cannot stand Jaracz is because as publisher I personally spoke with him on the phone for
twenty (20) minutes about my brother, an elder,who was having a problem with the elders in our local congregation. The Service Department would not correct the matter, in fact, they turned on my brother.Jaracz was a complete jerk and told me that the GB members do not get involved with local problems. They leave that up to the service department because they are too busy traveling around the world to give talks and help the other brothers in other countries.
Now, go figure that out.
He is a GB member, supposedly one of the "anointed", and he does not have the time to look into a problem with the so-called shepherds in the Christ's earthly congregation.
After that conversation with Jaracz, I lost all respect for the so-called GB members and whatever they profess to know or do.
Ozzie: Right on! Anyone determined to advance in a bureacracy thereby surrenders their personality, even if (as TJ) they also profess a direct relationship with Christ. "If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself."
OTOH, was told yesterday about CO/"Nethinim" w/whom I had several extended conversations about my doubts. He is one of the humblest men I have ever known. Never took or suggested action against me, and expressed sincere concern about my current situation. So, perhaps I should add the following:
Some people have already changed!