Bad news?

by happy man 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • happy man
    happy man

    I find this on unother bord.

    I have it on reliable source that one of the founding JWs in
    Japan, who has been serving as a branch coordinator, was
    recently disfellowshipped. According to the sources,
    Toshio Honma is a top-ranking JW at the Japanese
    branch. He may be highest ranking JW who has ever been
    disfellowshipped in Japan, except for Junzo Akashi who
    was DF'ed shortly after the World War II ended. Were
    trying to find out the reason for his DFing. It is noteworthy
    because Japan has been one of the WTSs strongholds in
    the world in recent years. Numbers were soaring in Japan
    (and Russia) while they were dwindling elsewhere in the
    world. The question now is, will this former high-ranking
    JW speak out in Japan as Ray Franz did here and abroad?

  • DazedAndConfused

    Can you state what board this was on? There have been so many references to what is written on other boards without a reference to where it came from.

    Being a JW for almost 30 years and realising I was duped, makes me very leary of statements without some sort of back up.

    I am sorry if this upsets you, but right now, I need to back up thoughts with factual "black and white" pictures.

  • happy man
    happy man

    I dont now if you read my topics, but I am a on going JW who have no attentions to qite, even if we have problems, i am working on my way to do things better, here you have the link.

    warm regards from sweden.

  • GermanXJW

    The question now is, will this former high-ranking JW speak out in Japan as Ray Franz did here and abroad?

    I would also like to see a book written by Barbara Anderson.

  • TheOldHippie

    Happyman said he " have no attentions to qite" ....



  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    happyman, what plans do YOU have to make things better? Better for what and for whom?

    Guest 77

  • Haereticus


    Maybe " have no attentions to qite" = "have no intention to quit"?

  • happy man
    happy man

    Thank you H, your guess was right.

    To bad spelling, but is was stressd.

    and hello german JW, we have a friend from germany here widh us, he is an elder, any qestions for him from you.

    I told him abaout dateline, and he dont now anything.

    I have read that in G you have a letter to the elder abauot UN thing, in sweden they dont now this even if they are an elder.

    Littel desapointed that we dont have a explanaition on the assambley.

  • TheOldHippie

    Littel? Is he here? ...........

    Sorry, I can't stop smiling or -- OK, laughing - I know, I know, it's bad, it's terrible, I'm a bastard, but it's so nice to have found someone who possesses the same knowledge of the English language as I do myself ....

    assambley? where?

  • happy man
    happy man

    Well hippie, fun if I can fix litel joj for you, but perhaps you can tell some from how it is in Poland, the country who are so bigg grow inn, or?

    Give us some news,, and some good expirenses, if you understand my english, i can tell it is to expensiv for me to be out on internet and at the same time look in a wordbook who i must spell,i am not made of money.

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