Sick kids at the KH

by Sadie5 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Meeting attendance is the JW equivalent of self-flagellation. I mean, does any of them ever pause to consider what they really learn that enhances their knowledge and/or or enriches their relationship with God? This is especially true of the long-timers who've been listening to the same dreary `can you do more/can you give more?,'' ``dress, grooming, entertainment,'' ``it won't be long now,'' ``what are you doing with your vacations?,'' ``youths, pursue pioneering and Bethel'' ad infinitum, ad naseum, for years.

    Dragging the hapless children to these stultifying excersizes in self-punishment, often at the expense of their homework and requisite sleep if it's in the middle of the school week, is worse than's tragic and a main reason so many young one's bolt at the first opportunity, usually just after they reach the age of majority.

    It's all done to perpetuate the myth that these meetings are indispensible to one's spiritual progress. In reality, most JWs regards each meeting attended as an installment advance payment on their idyllic New World homestead, or as a sort of cofffee klatch to get back with their friends and catch up on the latest gossip, post-prayer.

  • LB

    My old hall finally made an announcement about staying home when you are contagious. It was getting really bad. One poor teenage boy was half dying sitting behind me at book study one night. I could feel his breath as he coughed all over me. During the study I had the nerve to ask her to take her poor son home before he dies and I catch something. She got upset and said his service to Jehovah was more important than being sick. Elders wife for ya.

    So I moved across the room. Didn't help, a bunch of us caught his germs that night.

  • minimus

    A very nice newer sister was coughing, choking and gurgling at the back of the hall. I approached and asked her why she was at the meeting while obviously so sick. She looked puzzled. I told her that she should really go home. She thanked me for actually giving her permission to go.....that's 1 reason I didn't like being an elder.

  • HomebutHiding

    This always disgusted me...and not just sick kids at meetings, but the sick adults, to. I remember one brother shaking my husband's hand while saying, "Don't get too close. I've got a bug." He had a fever, and sure enough, my husband and I got sick as a result. He missed a day from work. This isn't rocket science. If not for the brainwashing, any idiot would know to stay home when sick. HbH

  • DJ


    I've noticed yet another odd reaction.......Witnesses are sick ALOT, but it's almost as if they are sort of proud of know, suffering for God and all......this 'proves' that they are in the truth. Has anyone else ever picked up on this one? Love Dj

  • mrs rocky2
    mrs rocky2

    A couple of families we know are big into health food, natural, organic, vitamins and supplements. Big into chiropractors and naturopaths. They are always sick! and not just minor stuff. Fevers, allergies, chronic fatique, fibromyalgia. Lots of stress related illness too.

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