
by truthseeker1 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker1

    I've got a question...

    Vulgar comes from lating Vulgate (sp?) which means common, correct? Vulgar words like Sh*t, Fu*k, Co*k, C*nt, ect are just terms used by the common people. Larger words such as intercourse and vagina were the words the educated people used. It was considered unclassy to use such terms common people use.

    So here is the question:

    If JW's promote a classless society (kinda like communism but with a God) then why do they care about using such common words? Isn't that hypocritical? I guess the only defence is that it just doesn't look right...

  • DazedAndConfused

    I wonder about the people who use ect as opposed to etc. I have no idea in this world what "ect" means. "ETC" is very ="s etcetra.


  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    i'll tell you what's vulgar - my receiving at least one of these penis emails every day - i'm not even a man for chrissakes!

    Sender Date Size Subject
    SuperNews@ Wed 07/10
    Incenseandpeppermints_x Enlarge Your Penis, Safely and Naturally!

    p.s. i don't know what that means about jehovah's witnesses being a "classless" society. it seems to me they have their own class systems in place already: elder, pioneer, publisher, etc. as far as i'm concerned, they ain't got no class at all.

    Edited by - Incense_and_Peppermints on 10 July 2002 19:55:4

  • coffee_black

    Actually, it's etcetera, not etcetra.


  • JeffT

    And the spelling police hijack another thread.

    Incense - I can relate. Somebody is really desperate to sell me Redbook magazine and a bunch of makeup.

  • termite 35
    termite 35


    the word 'vulgate' is also translated as 'colloquial'-which means belonging to ordinary or familiar conversation.Not formal or literary

    .We all know that the WTBS think that they are highly educated like the Jews were?! and that they like to think the magazines are written English in it's finest most accurate form ;eg both 'formal and literary'

    What they fail to realise is that F**K was a perfectly formal, literary,respectable and very well used word word in the 16th century and beyond into the 19 th;I think they should start using proper English and put F**k back in the magazines......

  • Kenneson

    All those "forbidden" words can be found in the dictionary, albeit now considered by most to be offensive. Who, I wonder, decided that it is o.k. to use words like feces or excrement, penis, vagina, etc.? Did the English language have its own "Emily Post," that is to say one who determined what words are considered polite and what words are not?

  • SpiceItUp

    Did the English language have its own "Emily Post," that is to say one who determined what words are considered polite and what words are not?


    this is something I have been wondering about for some time. What or who decides that a word is offensive. IMO words like stupid and dumb are more offensive than F*uck , C*nt, Sh*t etc.


  • VeniceIT

    etcetera, etcetera, etcetera


  • Satanus

    Likley, queen victoria or the puritans who first settled on america. The puritans were even more righteous than those righteous ones in england. Since the sixties, political correctness has continued the process of making certain words illegal.


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