Hey Y'all....incase anyone is interested,,,,Tinkerbell4125 is away for a few days....she needed to go in to the hospital to straighten out her Med's...Life in an abusive environment growing up does wonders to a person...she's a hard fighter though....she's doing Great....should be back in a couple more days.....BOY DO I MISS HER......Hurry back Tink..........CC
Tinkerbell is down
by CC Ryder 10 Replies latest jw friends
Best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery.
D wiltshire
Tell her I said Hi, and I hope she gets everything squared a way with the meds.
Hey you should tell R. M. I said Hi
*Clapping my hands together loudly* I believe
You know, from the peter pan story about saving Tinkerbell. Tell her we believe in her!
please pass on my get well wishes to tinkerbell!
thanks cc, for letting us know
< clapping hands for tinkerbell >
((((Tink)))), hope you get everything under control soon.
{{{{{ CC Ryder }}}}}} {{{{{{{{{{ Tinkerbell}}}}}}}}}
Hugs to you Tink hope your feeling better soon!! Hugs to you as well CC for letting us know.
Please let us know how she is in the future and send my warm wishes her way to you as well.
(((((Tinkerbell))))) Hope you are well soon. Call me when you are home
I watched for you last Saturday, I hope you get to feeling better soon. You are a very strong lady and I know that you will bounce back quick.
Love & 's Tink
CC Ryder
Thanks everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....I'll be seeing her tomorrow and will be sure to tell her you all miss her and wish her well....This is a GREAT PLACE...Love to you all.....CC