Paradise Earth;An interesting Question for JWs

by badboy 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • badboy

    If there is no aging in Paradise Earth,expail something to me.

    One of the reasons we age and die is because the mitochondrial cells convert items(food???) into energy,this produces free radicals/toxins which damage the cells,the cells have to produce these toxins to do their work.

    In a Paradise Earth,how will the body produce the energy without damaging the body's cells.

    I am interested in any answers.

  • D8TA

    Ummm....they can't, and the only answers you will get are: "Wait on Jehovah", or "Jehovah will make our bodies perfect", or "Wait and see what Jehovah does".


  • funkyderek
    In a Paradise Earth,how will the body produce the energy without damaging the body's cells.

    We'll be perfect. Jehovah will make us perfect. Don't you understand, perfect? You mustn't love Jehovah if you're asking stupid questions like that.

    At least that's the answer my mother gave me to a similar question.

  • zenpunk

    Magic will take a backseat to science, that's how!

  • Xander


    Obviously, we will be 'restored' to our original silicon-based condition instead of the current carbon-based lifeforms everything is that needs corrosive oxygen to survive.


  • ItsJustlittleoldme

    Who cares, it will be paradise.. You will be with your friends and family forever and ever; Just imagine, every morning before breakfast your mother-in-law stops by to see how the 'kids' are doing.. Of course, when Armageddon does happen, you have a 2 year old, so he's gonna be 2 for the rest of eternity... Sounds like heaven, no?

  • LucidSky

    Easy. God's Plan all along was for us all to be downloaded into a big super-computer. Think about it: no more crying, death, pain... those former things will have passed away. Once man reaches this step biologically/technologically, God will kill everyone else who is evil, including the children of evil parents, and allow only baptized JW's to enter into into the Paradise super-computer. Doesn't Revelations makes a lot more sense now?

  • HomebutHiding

    No, no no, Justlilol'....The two year old will grow to about 30, and stay there. Meanwhile, your mother-in-law will grow younger...also has her sites set on 30. It will be a race between the two of them to see who gets to 30 first! HbH

  • ItsJustlittleoldme
    Easy. God's Plan all along was for us all to be downloaded into a big super-computer. Think about it: no more crying, death, pain... those former things will have passed away. Once man reaches this step biologically/technologically, God will kill everyone else who is evil, including the children of evil parents, and allow only baptized JW's to enter into into the Paradise super-computer. Doesn't Revelations makes a lot more sense now?

    Is that the Blue pill option from the Matrix?

  • scootergirl

    For something that I use to believe so wholeheartedly in, now I look back and wonder...

    What was I thinking?

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