Kingdom Halls for sale - Australia

by no-zombie 22 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • umbertoecho
    I don't believe it's due to expansion at all. There is a great deal of apathy here in Australia. Some of the older witnesses say it's due to a materialistic life style...............and so on. I know that the halls I have attended are often half empty during the mid week meetings. Not so full on the Sunday meetings either. They often amalgamate two congregations to make it look "fuller". Life is still pretty good in this country and the troubles of the rest of the world seem...........a world away. So, it is hard to use the old "The end is near" line when everything seems quite okay to the average person on the street.
  • steve2

    Life is still pretty good in this country and the troubles of the rest of the world seem...........a world away. So, it is hard to use the old "The end is near" line when everything seems quite okay to the average person on the street.

    umbertoecho, you could be describing your geographical neighbor, New Zealand. Almagamation is anything but an indication of growth.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher


    Thanks again for your very first post today - and what a post to start with!

    This should sound alarm bells in thousands of K.H.'s around the world; three beautiful K.H.'s being shut down and sold off - for what? A flat-pack, Ikea type, office building?????????? Who are the Org trying to kid?

    The "skimming of the cream" of these 3 sell-offs must be in the region of £1-2m, after the DIY K.H. is paid for.

    Time to alert active J.W.'s to the new money-grabbing strategy which has just kicked off!

  • nicolaou
  • no-zombie
    Thanks for the nice welcome but i've posted under another name before this site was re-built. i'm still a little paranoid of big brother, sorry.
  • Crazyguy
    I believe all kingdom halls that aren't mud huts will be sold off and new ones built like the new design we've seen for more potential prophet.
  • JHK

    The Governing Body Bank:

    We sell in the name of God. Where are traveling money?
  • steve2
    Standard, recognizable buildings regardless of country has been one of the hallmarks of the Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) for decades. What is happening with the JWs is not new.
  • Vidiot

    The Searcher - "The 'consolidation' of congregations begins - followed by an exodus! Let's sit back and watch the fun begin!"

    Has it occurred to you that maybe we are the exodus?

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    My Grandmother didn't become a witness until she retired from work.

    Soon after she donated a large amount of her retirement money to the renovation of her hall in a small country town in rural N.S.W. Australia.

    A few years later the hall was sold and the cong. merged with a neighbouring town.

    After questioning the C.O. as to why the hall was sold because she felt a bit ripped off that her money was gone with no benefit to her or the local brothers, she was lovingly advised by the C.O. that it was fine and not to 'worry' because her donation was helping with the 'world-wide' work.

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