"What's your Theory on the other planets in the Throne of Heavens? We can only guess, Cause no man is able to understand the Truth about The Fathers Wonderful Creation"
Other Planets
by Legendary U.2.K. 16 Replies latest jw friends
I believe that God himself lives inside the star Alcyone in the Pleiades constellation. It's surrounded by an array of the most gorgeous planets you can imagine, so many that it's like a giant swarm of bees. Each is ruled by a powerful angel, and all are ruled by God. You can see all this for yourself by just looking up at the sky, and of course by reading about it in God's Word.
As you can see AlanF's hat is still to tight (and quite unfashionable), he keeps looking at the words of Rutherford for insite.
The universe is evolving/growing like a flower opening to the sun. It grows from the core of each star. Each star is a factory, producing all the complex elements from the simplest one, hydrogen. When it is ready, it explodes, flinging its produce far and wide, like the flower that has produced it's seeds and disburses them, to grow somewhere else. And so grows the universe. Where it wants to go, no one knows. We are a part of it, along for the ride.
I think it is refering to the Delta quadrant. Probably full of Borg ... the borg homeland (get it?)
Do y'all realize how FAST Earth and it's solar system are moving through space? Think about it. Earth orbits the Sun, so there's already an appreciable speed of movement on our orbital path. Then, the Sun orbits the center of the Galaxy, which is HUGELY faster than the orbit of the Earth. Then, our Galaxy orbits in a Cluster, which once again is much faster than the previous rotational speed. Then, our cluster orbits in a Super-cluster.
And the whole mess is flying apart in a huge explosion to top it off!
So basically if you were to travel back in time you'd need a hell of a spaceship to catch up with the Earth because it's moving so quickly. This is something that many of those time-travel fantasies don't take into account. Sure, you can travel through time, you just better be prepared to hike to the Earth's position where it WAS back then!
AlanF, what a beautiful picture of the universe you plant. I like to think of everything being run by a joint Father/Mother of the universe team, giving tasks to other entities, other angels, gods, etc. The bible really tells us so little, but man himself has begun to answer many of his own questions.
And, SaintSatan, I also appreciated your comments. What you said is very true. And, we are trying to comprehend it all with using just ten percent of our brain. Maybe someday soon, we will learn how to access the other 90%.
Obviously, we have only clues to what lies in the vast expanse of the Universe. Maybe this particular solar system we live in is one of many that are occupied by various forms of life. Maybe this planet earth was not the only one seeded properly to produce human beings, capable of thought and reason....and the eternal question "WHY?".
Here is something of interest that appeared in a very recent Time magazine. It was a one page article about a new discovery in the expanse. They named it Cancri 55 . Just do a search and you will be amazed at what comes up. A clue is, that there appears to be a discovery of a planet, nearly identical to earth in size and proportional orbit to other stars. NASA says they plan to go to the outer reaches of space in about twenty years. With Niburu out there, and this new planet, seems like they would be more interested. (Or are they just telling us what they want us to hear?)
Maybe a "new heaven and a new earth", is something entirely different than we have ever considered.
I have to believe there are other planets and life somewhere out there. To me it's impossible for there not to be.
Why is it though that they always show up over trailer parks and farms instead of just landing on Pennsylvania Ave. and knocking on the door at #1600? I really hope that they aren't gravitating to familiar landmarks!
Did you write that?
If you did, I must say that it is most excellent.
------------------I once thought that we were the only ones. I was a Dub at the time.
Then I came to think: I don't know. Did Darwin get lucky? Was he able to peer through a peep hole and get a glimpse of reality? Evolution, and all that?
Now, I believe that the universe is very big and that, after 15 billion years, there simply *must be* more advanced life forms than us.
And less advanced life forms.
What would you expect a Trekkie to say?
I believe that there's got to be other life out there - I mean why would Jehovah create the universe with billions and billions of galaxies, and then only put life on one single little planet like earth??? Makes NO sense to me at all. Interestingly enough, even Jews today believe that God had created other life forms on other planets long before he created man (maybe as a trial and error?? who knows?)........to believe that we're the only one's around, is about the same as believing 500 years ago that the earth is the center of the universe.......