The Society has transferred the blame to the elders, and none of these idiots in the local congregations seem to mind being made scapegoats and taken for fools. When will it ever dawn on them that as far as their leadership is concerned, loyalty's a One-Way Street dead-ending in Brooklyn? If and when lawsuits are filed, it's their assets that will be on the front line.
JWs talk about Panorama
by Sirona 14 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
One thing is certain - they will not be able to resist watching it!
Even if they themselves just dismiss it, it will still have a devastating effect on their
preachingI mean "recruitment" work.Everyone will talk about Panorama - mums at playgroups and playgrounds, people at work. They will have seen it or heard about it and they will remember.
And then, one day, some man will knock at the door or start speaking to the kids in the garden and proudly announce "I am a servant of the most high god Jehovah"
Blam (the sound of shutting doors)
I could be wrong but rumor has it , this is what the Panorama program is about.
The JW's can say what they want. The more people who come forward to tell their stories and are willing to be in the media's eye can not be ignored. The world is not like the borg and they will do research or talk about this with others and find out who is telling the truth and who is lying. I hope this will inspire more to come forward all over the world. If the elders are willing to take the fall, then fine. The Society will have to take responsibility if we demand it and give them no other place to hide. Jesika
I wonder if they will mention our very own home-grown paedophile, who was attending my old KH?
Western Daily Press:
Jehovah's Witness preacher and ministerial servant Dennis Atwell (58) was convicted of child abuse at Bristol Grown Court on 21st. March 1997, Father of six, Atwell, married to wife Betty for 37 years, was a respected member of the congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses in Burnham-on-Sea, West Somerset. He admitted to 12 counts of indecent assault, indecency with a child, buggery and incest. The selected representative incidents cited took place between 1968 and 1982. Ian Pringle, prosecuting, told the court: "This indictment represents a long history of sexual abuse against children." David Osbourne, defending, said "He pleaded guilty at the first opportunity and made it clear he would confess to everything the victims alleged - this has spared them the ordeal of reliving a very traumatic experience." (Following interviews with the police and counselling by social workers the three Atwell children, Kathy, Annette and William - all now adults with children of their own - had made written statements which were presented to the court in the form of Affidavits.)
Awaiting trial, Atwell was secretly relocated by the Watchtower leadership to the nearby town of Weston-Super-Mare where he attended meetings at a Kingdom Hall and mingled freely with other unsuspecting sect members including children. He was also `assigned territory` where he could continue his 'full time ministry', termed 'pioneering', selling Watchtower literature door to door - usually alone. He was never 'disfellowshipped' or excommunicated.
The Atwell family members who have found the courage to speak out against their wicked father also feel that they have been emotionally abused by the Watchtower Society. They want to expose it for what it is. They all agree to the widest coverage of their plight and want the world to know their story. Watchtower officials think differently of course, and would like the whole thing to go away. They reason that the less people know the better.Englishman.