My car has been in the shoppe for the past 2 days, so I've been making my way around town by riding the city bus. I actually like it quite a bit, and it is good on the conscience knowing that I am not contributing to global warming by using a 3000 pound carbon dioxide spewing vehicle to haul my 140 pound ass around town. I am going to continue riding even after I get my car back.
Anyways, I got on the bus yesterday, and lo and behold, the driver was a Watchtowerist from my last congo. He said hi, and smiled in a friendly way. It was a little awkward. Funny, he is the only driver I've come across who does his job by announcing upcoming intersections and whatnot. It was kinda touching. He was/is a very innocent, non-authority-position-holding, true believing dubber.
This is a dumb post, I hope nobody reads it.
The title of this thread is a ZZ Top reference, in case you didn't know.
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