New (non)-Witnessing Model

by berrygerry 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • berrygerry

    So, one of the kids on reddit posted this video - an evangelist trying to witness to Guardians of the Cart. (Both sides are fairly respectful IMO)

    The Dub makes the interesting statement:

    We're not here to discuss Bible, or argue with anyone. We're just here to provide free publications to people who want ...

    So, is this because he's an evangelist, or are these trail-blazing pioneers simply there to Guard the Cart?

    If so, wouldn't it behoove WTS to just invest in 24/7 vending machines?

  • punkofnice

    Interesting vid. Thanks for posting.Berry-G


    A vending machine that dispenses WTBTS literature......genius. 😈


  • Bonsai

    The JW seemed very disinterested in engaging the evangelist in discussing the bible. "You wanna free publication? Great. Here you go. Feel free to make a donation for that by the way. Our society needs the money to build a nice posh new paradise like head quarters in New York. Before you leave I want you to watch this video, though. Oh, you have questions? Well, we are not here to discuss the bible. We are not here to debate. We are only here to count our time (to maintain our social status in the congregation) and close our ears to anything that might contradict what we want to believe in."

    Been out for just a little while, yet it amazes me how watered down this religion has become. Can you imagine Paul or Peter or James sitting around idly, brushing off someone who was eager to discuss what the good news meant with him?

  • SafeAtHome
    I think this was pretty sad. Just like when I went to the KH, I never felt ANY comfort in that atmosphere. The cart guy didnt know squat. "Not here to talk about the Bible"? Really? The old timers would be ashamed of this. The guy on the street gave a much more comforting and intelligent answer to his own question. Yeah, not there to talk about the Bible, there to push a website.
  • StephaneLaliberte
    Luke 4:43: I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.

    It appears that the good news is the kingdom of God made possible through jesus' sacrifice. So, both are right and arguing on stupid details.

    Obviously, both agree to live by the principles common to Christians. Both believe in the forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ. So, they have the basis there. And yet, they argue and call each other false teachers when rely... who cares!

    If you call God "God", "Yahweh", "Jehovah", or "Jesus", how will that impact your faithfulness to your wife? And if you believe in Trinity or not, how will that change the love you give to your family and friends? And if you believe you will live on earth or in heaven, how will that change anything to you're idea that God will take care of you after your death?

    What really matters in the end is what we do, our actions: these define who we are. We are not defined by what we believe or dream about. Its what we do! Yet, somehow, JWs and many other religions miss the point by arguing, calling other faiths all sorts of names and questioning their motives.

  • Heaven

    Jehovah's WItnesses do not know the Bible. Their role is to recruit people into the Borg.

    They are not interested in talking to people about the Bible. They want to talk to people who know nothing about the Bible so they can convince these people that Botchtower's interpretation of the Bible is the one True message and that they are the one True religion speaking for the one True God.

  • SafeAtHome
    Yeah, the point is that the JW was unwilling and unprepared to answer a basic question on Christian doctrine. If people start quoting scriptures to them they are taken by surprise.
  • LisaRose

    We’re Jehovah's Witnesses.
    We stand by in fearfullness
    Ours is the God of failed prophecy;
    What he foretells cannot be.

  • hoser

    If so, wouldn't it behoove WTS to just invest in 24/7 vending machines?

    They'd never do it because someone would empty it and put the books in the trash

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