Borgfree, obviously, that brother was quoting from his personal Talmud.
*** Insight Volume 1 page 814 Father ***
All who express faith with a hope of everlasting life can address God as Father. (Mt 6:9)
*** w74 7/15 447-8 Questions from Readers ***
"Father"?U.S.A.Because Jehovah God is the Creator and Source of life, all humans are really his "progeny," his children, as the inspired apostle states at Acts 17:28, 29. Hence, all who sincerely acknowledge that fact can rightly address him as "Father."
The Scriptures clearly show that using the expression "Father" with reference to God is not limited to spirit-anointed Christians. It was before Gods spirit was poured out on the day of Pentecost in 33 C.E. that Jesus, in his Sermon on the Mount, taught a crowd of Jews to address God in prayer as "our Father." (Matt. 6:9) Centuries earlier the prophet Isaiah stated: "O Jehovah, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are our Potter; and all of us are the work of your hand."Isa. 64:8.
However, while all humans acknowledging the Fatherhood of God and living accordingly may properly address him as "Father," they do not all enjoy the same intimacy with him. Of the special intimacy enjoyed by spirit-begotten Christians, the apostle Paul wrote: "You received a spirit of adoption as sons, by which spirit we cry out: Abba, Father!" (Rom. 8:15) The term "Abba" is an endearing form of address. It is the intimate expression that children used for their fathers. Such intimacy is even now enjoyed by those of humankind who have been begotten by Gods spirit with a view to becoming spirit sons in the holy heavens, where they will enjoy personal association with the Creator.
Presently a "great crowd" is being gathered from all nations for survival of the "great tribulation," with the prospect of gaining everlasting life on earth in Gods new order of righteousness. (Rev. 7:9-17) Appropriately, they, too, address Jehovah in prayer as their "Father" or Life-Giver, as he has made provision for them to have everlasting life through his Son, Jesus Christ, the "Eternal Father." (Isa. 9:6) In Gods new order, these will be joined by the millions who will be resurrected from the dead. Later, all who pass the final test described at Revelation 20:7-10 will have their names permanently written in the "book of life" and enjoy the special relationship of being perfect earthly sons of Jehovah, the heavenly Father.Rom. 8:20, 21; Rev. 20:15.