Curious demon inspired tale :o)

by Dizzy Cat 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dizzy Cat
    Dizzy Cat

    I suppose this is a tale of how badly a set of extreme beliefs can effect the mind!

    I knew of a brother who suffered with mental ill health and often had hallucinations, of the visual variety. After a while during his passage through the truth he began to see strange demons in unusual places. Whilst practising a talk one of the day, he calmly put his book down and moved towards an open window. He then picked a very large pair of scissors out of a drawer and snipped a line running from outside the window which lead to a pole in the middle of his garden. He then calmly walked back to where he was formerly standing and continued his talk (without mentioning the snip!).

    Later the same day he told us that while talking he had noticed a gremlin-style demon sitting on the line, sneering through the glass and had snipped the line so it couldn't sit there.

    Scary but true !

    This same brother later in the year ended up in a police cell after banging on a church door early in the morning, telling Babylon to come on out and face the Christ. Yes, his mind now led him to believe that he was the second coming.

    After suffering from mental ill health myself for a number of years, I can understand how extreme belief systems can push you in this direction. Frightening, if slightly amusing from the outside .....

  • SYN

    Once, I thought I was a Soldier Cat. I would love to be a Soldier Cat, really really really I would. With light brown speckly fur and little paws and a wet nose. And I loved my owner very much.

  • JanH

    Interesting story.

    It really makes us wonder how great part mental illnesses has played in the origin of many religions. Many "primitive" cultures have great reverence for some types of mental illness, claiming the sufferers are in direct contact with gods of spirits.

    We also know that the origin of many religions are related to alleged revelations and supernatural experiences. In more superstitious times, such stories may have looked credible to many.

    Heck, even today people believe in all sorts of quackery, like UFO abductions, Elvis sightings and of course demon experiences

    - Jan

  • Dizzy Cat
    Dizzy Cat

    I used to eat strange fungus that made me feel that way, you strange, strange beast

  • Dizzy Cat
    Dizzy Cat

    To further the twisted tales a little more .....

    Another brother I knew of (a few years back) actually went into the Sadam Hussain Mosque (Birmingham, England) and defiled the Holy carpet (by treading on it while wearing his shoes), plus he then took their Holy book and flung it the floor, proclaiming that judgement was upon them. Then to cap it all he tore down a curtain and then legged it!

    Another true tale of curious flipped JW behaviour.

    Needless to say, he was chased by several Muslim men down the road and had to seek shelter in a friends house. The elders at that time had a bit of a problem calming down the local Muslim community

    I found this rather amusing at the time and wished I had the balls to be so extreme and really shake some foundations !

    Its an easy way to die ..... if a slightly painful way.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    i SAW it. really i did...

  • Dizzy Cat
    Dizzy Cat

    superb ;o)

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    it was too easy

    i mean, she just looks like mrs. circuit overseer, haha. on the other hand, he is way too hot to be an elder

    but sometimes you gotta suspend disbelief. (or is it belief" i can never remember which one you have to suspend ;)

  • minimus

    Dizzy Cat, Do YOU really believe these tales??

  • MrMoe

    A precious Soldier Cat... Bastet was the Egytian Goddess in the form of a Cat... and the name Bastet means "the Soul of Isis..." She wore a shield and is a great protector...

    Edited by - MrMoe on 13 July 2002 3:40:38

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