Birthday Boy

by DakotaRed 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • DakotaRed

    Yes Dutchie, I really would. His year, next year, anytime

  • Dutchie

    Cool. Its a date then.

  • Valis

    Dakota...nice looking baby ya got there..he should be ready by Thanksgiving...get in my belly!!!! *L* really, I bet he is the best thing that happened since you left the borg! We'll compare notes boys vs girls in 10 or 15 years....heheh


    District Overbeer

  • DakotaRed

    Valis, I raised two girls and yes, I am very proud of them too. So far, only my oldest has given me grandchildren, two boys. James, her 3 year old, was born while I was inactive and shortly before I DA'd. Fortunately, neither daughter took to "da troof" when I tried to encourage them. Both are more than delighted now that I am away from it and even though they don't have a problem with the estranged wife, they are happy to see us separated and me enjoying life again.

    If still in the borg, I would be made to feel guilty for enjoying Josh's birthday. My enjoyment will come from helping him learn to enjoy it, just like I did for my daughters. Thinking back, what possible harm can be done making a child feel special at least one day a year? Could God be that jealous and shallow? I think not.

    If I were still with the wife, I would get glaring looks when I came home Sunday from enjoying Josh's birthday. You know the look, the "you know better" type. I got them before whenever I went to Julies for Christmas, Birthdays, whatever. They can sit in their sanctimonious little Kingdumb Halls and pretend to study the Bible all they wish. I am going to start enjoying life as much as I can.

    (((Dutchie)))) I'm already counting the days

    Lew W

  • zenpunk

    He's a real cutie!

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