In Memory of Quantum R.I.P.

by D8TA 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • D8TA

    " If I'm going to hell, I'm taking you with me." - D8TA

    Oh dear board, I offer my sincerest apologies ... but if one has to go, then do it with BANG!

    What's "fair is fair" and I accept all responsibility for this post.

    To: Quantum the Ignorant Arrogant Egotist,

    My dear man, it is without effort that the people of this board can disect the simple mind of which you possess. Before the lines are crossed forever-more in our names, I will now introduce you to the experience known as "ripping you a new one".

    Get your sad ass of your computer, get on your bicycle...this time with the seat attached... and ride your sorry ignorant, and clueless, mellon back to Provo Utah. You couldn't debate whether to sit or stand while pissing, much less then prove your down right...err, wait that would be "wrong" stupid belief in Moronism...whoops...Mormonism.

    You wave that 1/4 inch stubby little unidentified piece of flesh between your fingers, of your lower crotch region, like your weilding a colt that is. Your posts prove one thing...your idiocy! There isn't a reply you can offer, that will counter anything I have to say here...for the only person who would believe such frivolous you, yourself. That's it. I already have it in my favor that the greater majority will agree with me on what I have to say about you.

    You humor me Quantum, not because the of fact that your 2 wives have bore my children while you were out bike riding...but because,'re more entertaining then a circus freak on the Jerry Springer show. You're absurd arguement about prophecies written on china plates and taken away to a planet far, far away... leave us all rolling with laughter and merriment. The small little titles you attribute to your pathetic name: Quantum the Great, Quantum the Teacher, Quantum Who Spews So Much Bullshit I Wear Depends On My Head To Keep It All In. . . are all classic, you are a master of self abuse.

    You are nothing more then a joke to all of us. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. You're presence on this board offers nothing more then that of "entertainment" value. Much like the guy who walks on dog shit and gets it on his shoe? Well, your "that" piece of humor we laugh at, whilst he grabs the hose to wash you off.

    Poor, poor Quantum. Your mind is a simple mind. Predictable and easy to defeat. You walk away battered and bruised, with a thumb in your mouth, with self denial. You whipser words of comfort to yourself..." I'm a winner...I'm a winner...I'm so great ", yet only the walls that echo your words, and you yourself only hearing them.

    This is fantasy: Quantum replying to the post, thinking he can refute D8TA's words. That people will appreciate what Quantum has to say.

    This is REALITY-This is FACT: Everyone here, is laughing their ass off...awaiting Quantum's feeble reply of non wit, and appreciate what D8TA is saying.

    So ....good bye Quantum. Perhaps, one day, you will awake a realize that you are but a fart in the wind in this big ol' world. . .and unlike many, a presence that will be served in no one's memory in the future.

    D8TA The Troll Killer, The Quantum Destroyer

    P.S. Give your wives a kiss for me, and tell my kids I luv 'em

  • gsx1138

    It was hot in Seattle today wasn't it D8? Thanks for the laugh before I go to bed. By the way, do you have to pay child support for Quant...errr your kids? Have fun down south you bastard



    8 t


    you're all over the can't fence with're too emotionally messed up


  • larc

    D8, I enjoyed your post as well. I don't think QUANTUM is long for this board. He doesn't have the intellect or stamina of You Know, but QUANTUM was a humorus diversion from our other topics of discussion.

  • onacruse

    D8TA blowing smoke from gunbarrels,

    Done killing his quota of squirrels,

    Nothing but love for the likes of Quantum,

    Hoping he'll find someone who wants him.

  • D8TA

    See what happens when a Troll relies on "copy and paste"? Especially JW & Mormon trolls, they lack imagination and creativity...for their simple minds can not grasp such concepts.

    you're all over the can't fence with're too emotionally messed up

    Spectacular! They finally taught a monkey how to bad they can't work with them on their "higher reasoning" or "intellect" skills.

    Squantum...I'm emotionally stable as the next normal human being. Thanks to your mother ( by the way, please tell her that a nickle is overcharge for her inadequate services ) I'm as emotionally stable as ever! :smile:

    She often spins tales of your toddler days, sharing your pictures. What a hoot! I like the stories about how she and your father's other wives would blind fold you, spin you around, and play the "whose your mommy" game.

    Then about the first day you got your trike, how excited you became and grabbed your book of Moron and rode around the nieghborhood....asking all the women "whose my mommy"? The thrilling look in your eye, when you removed the seat and sat down for the first time. I believe that was the day you thought: "Gee, my mind controlling cult enjoy's screwing me in the unto to others brother"!

    Then you grew up to be fine young lad, except your fellow Moron women didn't accept your pitiful mug...and shunned you. Yes, share your pain Quantum boy, the fact that all your peers are off an married....each enjoying their various wives....and you sit at home, posting on an JW./.X-JW board, or polishing that one true love you have....your 10 speed Schwinn.

    Poor, poor Quantum. Soon, you will recieve the dreaded "line" thru thy name.....and did you get me 1 "convert" you gained on this board? I see you've gained a lot of hostility as to your belief in fairy tales....but no "converts". Ah well, perhaps one day you...yourself...will be visited by angels from outer space, and you will recieve those "china plates".

    Silly Moron...flames are for experts....not ignorant trolls who shouldn't wander unto message boards spouting bullshit. :smile:


  • onacruse

    D8: Need your address to send bill for ER treatment of my busted gut after LOF re: your last post.



    I certainly hope you were not under the mistaken idea that I was looking for converts amongst the land of the deranged?

    my disaffection though D8, has not changed where you are concerned


  • D8TA

    Quantum the Moron,

    my disaffection though D8, has not changed where you are concerned

    Monkey boy...uh..."disaffection", pray tell oh "wise" and "teaching" one, the definition of this word is????

    Oh wait! "disaffection" is not a word! Just like your silly little fantasies, in which you believe in, you make it up as you go! Can you provide a challenge? No. Can you provide a decent debate? No. Can you provide evidence? NO!

    Can you provide fantasy? Yes. Can you provide Bullshit? Yes. Can you provide more examples of your delusional-ego-arrogant driven arguements?? YES!

    You belittle people on this board, you tell them that you hold vast knowledge, and pride yourself on such....but, when it comes time to walk your talk? Quantum the NO SHOW!

    Do you enjoy living life as a fraud? Knowing that the only knowledge you hold within that small pea brain of yours, comes from those Morons who've walked before you? Not to hold a single original thought within your brain? To abstain from all and any imagination and/or creativity??? To always walk in the valley of ignorance, to never question that which is beyond your fantasy, in to the realms of reality?

    You are nothing more then a fool, and you have gone beyond any reason in example, to demonstrate such. You, like the vast Mormons and JW's of the world, live within the realm of only to the select masters whom dictate your destiny for you. THIS IS which you, by your posts, have testified here on JWD.

    You will never taste the water of freedom, not because by the hand of those who delegate your beliefs, but by you alone. You are responsible for your destiny, and such is that of folly.

    You've brought only this to this board:

    The satisfaction and piece of mind of the people here, to truly appreciate life and freedom. To pity people like you, who wander within the realms of darkness...locked in an eternity of false hope.

    We weep for you Quantum, We weep.

    Not out of sorrow....


    Go Quantum, in to the abyss of ignorance....your mind is mine, as it's the possession of your masters in Utah.


  • pseudoxristos

    Here lies Quantum

    Please feel free to Squat on him

    The Mormons they got him

    Their weird crap they taught him

    He came here to preach

    He came here to teach

    He bores us with each

    And every long-winded speech

    He taught and he taught

    But we said so what

    The evidence he's got

    Its all for naught

    Guess what's missin

    Those PLATES that glisten

    No one will listen

    They'd rather be pissin

    Once "Quantum the Great"

    Now "Quantum the late"

    This is his fate

    What a wonderful date


    We want Plates!!!!!

    edited to put punctuation marks back in.

    Edited by - pseudoxristos on 13 July 2002 4:55:34


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