Any martial artists?

by gsx1138 18 Replies latest social physical

  • gsx1138

    Martial arts is the one thing the elders and I verbally sparred over for about 5 years. It wasn't until I got DF'd that I was able to attend an "official" class. I had trained vicariously for about 4 years with a friend of mine who was a student of Isshinryu Karate. Anyway, I took Tae Kwon Do for about 4 years before life got in the way. Being an old fat bastard now at 33 I've been trying Tai Chi now mixed with some Yoga. I'm just wondering if anyone else tried martial arts after they left the WTS?


  • SPAZnik

    I'm lookin' into it.

    I've wanted to do so all my life, and now I can! :) So many options not sure where to start. May be joining a class for tae kwon do in the next month or so. Just when i made this decision to do so, i ran into a fellow at work that invited me to his class. He is a master of something or other.

    I'm a firm believer in the expression "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear". This constantly happens to me. I make a decision, and within a day or two tops, someone "appears" in some capacity in support of my decision. And its not like i even told anyone. Its kinda neat. The "universe" is constantly sending me people to learn from.

    Anyway, I've been told to go visit a couple places to get a feel for which one suits me.

    I'm really looking forward to it, for both the physical benefits as well as the mental/psychological benefits.

    I don't think i'm much for the grappling type arts, although i'll probably want to try a little bit of everything til i find my "niche". My main decision is whether to go to a place that specializes in one specific type or whether to go to one of those offshoot kinda places that gives you a 'blend' of everything. Anyway, too busy with other "exercise" commitments right now...but its definitely on the agenda for this year, soon. I welcome any input you may have.

    Looking back, I'm sorta suspicious that the *real* reason(s) the dubs didn't want me trying martial arts, were more about what it would do for me physically and psychologically than any "you might kill someone" fears and whutever religious rationale they used (like links to eastern false religion).


  • onacruse

    Diary entry (in bold): "don't make gsx1138 mad. If do, quickly get Bruce Li doll and wave in his face."

  • gsx1138

    Well after I was DF'd I theorized that the reason they don't want you to take martial arts is because it strengthens your body and mind. The last thing the WTS wants is someone with a strong mind. My only crowning achievement in Tae Kwon Do was winning a first place spot in the U.S. Tae Kwon Do tournament. Of course that was years ago and I couldn't fight for air now.

  • JanH

    I had always wanted to do martial arts, so shortly after I left the dubs I started doing Kyokushin karate. I kept at it for around two years, until a had enough of annoying club politics. The fact that it was such a pain for an "old" guy to stretch properly helped too .

    It was great fun, especially since kyokishin is full contact knockdown, and it really was good training for mind and body.

    - Jan

  • ChuckD

    I studied Shaolin Kempo for about 5 years, and a Japanese varient of it called Shorinjuru for another two.


  • jelly

    When I was in high school (the late 80s) I took Tang Soo Doo for about 3 years. Tang Soo Doo is very similar to Tae Kwon Do; they are both Korean Karate styles that stress kicks. Throughout my 20s I was either in the org or struggling with leaving so I was not associated with any school, but missed the training greatly. About 3 weeks ago I started taking Tae Kwon Do at a local studio and I am loving it. I must admit I am in terrible shape but I think this is just the thing I need to get healthy again.

    My favorite part of the training is the sparing, to joy of punching someone in the head cannot be overstated. Our school uses low contact for the lower belts and as you progress the sparing moves towards full contact. Its kind of funny because I am a white belt again but had previously been a red belt. While I cannot kick for beans I have not lost much of my hand speed or blocking ability so when I spar some of the lower color belts I trip them out; lets just say I am not what they expect from a white belt.

    One difference I have noticed between Tae Kwon Do and Tang Soo Doo is that Tae Kwon Do stresses the sport aspect of the Karate more. I think this is very cool I have never participated in a tournament but when I get into a little better shape I am looking forward to it.


  • SPAZnik
    joy of punching someone in the head cannot be overstated.

    lol...thanks for that giggle jelly. i luv'd it.

  • COMF

    I studied Tang Soo Do when I first left. Later, in college, I studied Aikido. Both were a long time ago now, but I remember the forms with fondness, and wish I'd progressed farther in either one. Occasionally I work out in the morning with a Tai Bo tape, but it doesn't qualify as martial arts by a long shot. I'd like to take up Tai Chi, but the only classes in my area are held during work hours.

  • SPAZnik

    COMF - oh yeah, i'm a tae bo "ist" too. LOL.
    damn good workout. nothin makes me sweat like dat.

    I've heard of Aikido. They say it's strictly self-defense, or emphasis on self-defense.
    yet it is still called a martial art. How is it different from the other forms?
    I never quite understood that.


    edited for formatting

    Edited by - SPAZnik on 16 July 2002 20:7:35

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