My husband just called me from Mass. where he is attending the convention with his family. He was telling me who he had seen there and he mentioned a paticular brother that I would love to see again face to face so I could knee him where the sun don't shine. So I said to my husband " you didn't say hi to him did you??" and of course his answer is "well yes of course I did why wouldn't I ?" HMMMMMMMMMMM? Maybe its because his wife who is one of my best friends was verbally and physically abused by him ? And when some one holds my friends head in the toilet to get her to agree to try to be a better witness wife so that he can become an elder . I don't know about any of you but I get really steamed. My friend has left the jerk and while hiding from him at a non jw's house she became romantically involved with the man . Her ex found out where she was and came when she wasn't there and broke the front door down and gave her boyfriend a nice black eye. She is now dissfellowshiped for cheating on her husband and he is dating a 19 year old ,secretly untill the divorce is final ,and he is moving towards being an elder. I was soooooooooo mad that my husband who knows this whole story actually conversed with this slimball and to my friend he won't even say "hi". So I hung up on him. He knows the guy is a jerk but until the elders say he is df''d everyone will treat him so wonderfully and to my friend they will shun and avoid like the plague.You could'nt actually think for yourself and decide not to talk to him could you ? That would mean using your own brain for once? All I can think of is " OH my god that was me at one time I shunned people without even thinking about it ". I just heard the word df'd and that was enough. I wish i could find those people that over the years were df'd from my cong. and were never heard from again. I wish i could ask them to forgive me for my blindness. So thats all ,sorry for writing so much but this is my venting place. If i can't vent from time to time I think I would go off the deep end.
accepted till the borg says you're not!
by annalice 12 Replies latest jw friends
Annalice, I hope your friends friend reported the breaking in and assualt to the police. Even if his wife is staying with the guy, I do believe this nuts acts are against the law. Maybe a charge and conviction of assault and battery might squelch his chance at being an elder?
Lew W
He sounds like the perfect Elder. Arrogant, abusive, and thinks he can get away with whatever he wants. Please feel free to come here and vent whenever you want that is what we're here for. Can I assume that you are no longer in the Borg? Free thought is very nice is it not?
LOL You guys will believe anything anti-jw. This person is just making up stories. Holding somebody head in toilet. What a joke.
Nice to see your a complete moron Comforter. How bout if I beat the shit outta your mom that way you know what spousal abuse is all about. Since I'm sure wouldn't get the not so subtle hint in that statement, I'm sure you know nothing about domestic abuse. There was a MS in my hall that sent his wife to the hospital three times and not a damn thing happened to him because the elders convinced the wife it was her fault. If the story is fake then so be it but domestic abuse is a serious problem. I had a friend whose ex-husband held a gun to her head while he urinated on her and that was before he beat her. You wanna tell me that story is fake because it sounds unreal? Wake the fuck up.
Comf, I don't find holding anyone's head in a toliet a joke you jerk. I do find the moniker you picked for your self to be the joke. Comforter my a**.
If you touched my mother, you would probably not live to tell the story. I know that abuse happens in the org. But the way that this person presented the story is a little odd. Plus, you do not know if they are telling the truth or not. But rather than suspending judgment, you just start the usual bashing of the jws. Go figure.
I am not saying they are lying or not. I just suspend judgment when it comes to these stories just as I would if watching a Jerry Springer show.
This person is just making up stories...........I am not saying they are lying or not.....I just suspend judgement......COMFORTER THE CONTRADICTOR
Hey comforter,I`d be more than happy to stuff you down a toilet...OUTLAW
Comforter I think protests too much on one thread...could Comforter perhaps be especially sympathetic to chcild molesters...for some reason? Hmmmmm
Come on Comforter, you really want to have a clean conscience now, don't you? Confession is good for the soul you know!!!