Letter to mom and dad

by StinkyPantz 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Reborn2002


    Look at yourself.

    You are just like me, and countless others not only on this discussion board but around the world.

    You are another sickening example of how the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society and the organization known as Jehovah's Witnesses divide families, and cause unnecessary heartache and anguish that lasts a lifetime.

    You have been placed into a horrible position as a direct result of the doctrine and belief system of a false religion which your parents blindly adhere to.

    How does one choose between brother, sister, parent, or child? No loving family arrangement or "normal" religion would provoke such choices.

    Due to the practices of the religion, your child may never know his/her grandparents. Due to practices of the religion, you currently have a very poor relationship with your parents.

    Is that any way someone should be forced to live? No, it is not.

    Bridget, remember, it is NOT your fault. Please do not be hard on yourself. You have suffered enough as it is.

    Bridget, you MUST stand up for yourself at some point, and this is it.

    You were forced into circumstances which you now regret, and you are doing the best you can to cope with the current situation.

    Always know that my thoughts are with you, and that I sincerely pray for you to find some way to find happiness and peace.

    Email me, my door is always open for you.

    - Jason

  • Carmel

    My children never knew their paternal grand parents as their father was declared "spiritually dead" and not welcome under their roof. Was that a bad thing? Definately not. They are all well adjusted capable tolerant young adults with no part of their development arrested because they didn't enteract with JW fanatics. I commend you for committing to keeping your children from these religious nuts, even if it is their grand parents. True parents and grand parents earn that designation by nurturing and loving behavior, something JUUs can't comprehend.

    I wish you strength in your determination to do the right thing.


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