thank you so much for responding!............. i know it's not about the money to you, it's not about the money to me either, it's about helping the children who are being abused as we speak.......... watch out for any policy changes that some are working toward with good motives................ policy changes are easy for the wicked gov body with over one hundred years of experience to work with............ even with new written policy changes, alot of the children will still be raped...... they know how to get around them....... they won't hand over their ministerial servants, elders, co's, do's, and leaders in bethel, and themselves, just because of a written policy change......... they are all in it together, up to their necks.
i would love to see the whole gov body and their lawyers go down, and all their factorys sold, to pay victims law suits......... and then the whole leadership set free from bethel influence!.......... matt 18:6, 8, 9,10.
Edited by - crawdad2 on 15 July 2002 1:27:54