"Two Witnesses" doctrine and child ab...

by stevieb1 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • jwsons

    If the body of elders can not established the court on behalf of the victim(s) because of the "two witnesses" Bible-based written policy, why don't let the victim go to the secular authority, which will investigate the matter, then ? Why disfellowship the victim ?

  • JosephMalik

    What I'm asking is how does one relate to a being like this without being Him in a very real but unusual way? Much of the language relating to "Oneness", being "In Christ", "Christ in you" , leaving "Self " behind , etc. ( and you know the list is long) indicates an unusual condition of mind. Is this the transformation that occurs when the ego personality dissolves and a man's true nature is revealed.


    We can relate because instead of us being like Him, He became like us and in this way proved the points in question. We can be the like the humanity intended in the beginning a human like He was. This He proved was possible. But this goes beyond the question being considered here. And since my wife Elizabeth passed away yesterday morning at 3:02AM, I am not able to manage any more now. It is a bit much for me even to be here and I need some time to myself.


  • Siddhashunyata

    Joseph, thank you.

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