Black sheep brought my attention to this excelent essay which is still relevant...
607 chronology debunked
by JanH 28 Replies latest jw friends
try hijacking that Ren
Excelelnt work Jan, quite complete and well answere din regards to Josepheus.
IF the WT wants to quote our buddy Joe, they shoudl remember that he said that the sacred name that can't be pronunced had 4 vowels.
So much for JEhOvAh ( 3 vowels).
Wow, it's been 7 years since I first read this. Excellent work. For anyone interested, this is a link to Jan's blog which has more great JW based essays listed under "My Articles" And this one:
How many Magazines have you placed this month? Are your statistics pleasing to the Circuit Overseer? I hope you get promoted soon....up, up...Power feels so good isnĀ“t it?
The real reason I wish you get promoted to GB heights is to meet the same people I know in Brooklyn, that don't believe in the 607/1914 Chronology.....matter of fact I exchange regularly emails with one guy that actually writes for the Watchtower Study magazine....(I know him personally, and don't need to prove it to anybody else - it is enough for me). You know what the joke is? He's writing all these wonderfull articles for the Society and has the same arguments that Jan just presented AGAINST this Chronology BS!
No go back and place more Mags and collect more Money.....the Monster needs to be feeded!!! Hurry, "the end" is "near"....almost,....
A very ancient thread, but a good one!
Amazing. Thanks so much if your still around Jan.