After responding to the Nekkid Women thread I got to thinking that I would like to hear more thoughts on this. Am I alone in thinking that lots of women have as great of interest in sex as men? That they love it just as much or more? Just curious. I really don't care if I am the ONLY woman like this (heheh.....but I doubt it) cuz I am happy. But, geez, I just cannot believe so many people of my gender could not completely enjoy doin the thing that is the reason there ARE both male and female.
Sexuality in men and women
by imissthedub 12 Replies latest social relationships
The majority of the women I've had a relationship with had a libido that was at least the equal of mine, and mine is quite active.
I've know a few... I mean, like three or four... who didn't actively instigate sex but were willing whenever I did.
I've known one who wasn't ever interested and was content to go without for months. This was, she said, due to the medication she was taking for depression, and she'd tried switching around but couldn't find anything that worked against the depression as well as this medicine.
I've known several who were agressive sexually, even demanding at times, and whose desire wasn't sated after just one or two rounds, even though they were enjoyin multiple orgasms throughout... this is the kind of thing that will really put a guy's stamina to the test.
I grew up in a society that, for whatever reason, promulgated the notion that women didn't like sex and were only grudgingly accomodating to men's desires. I can't imagine why they painted that picture, because a lifetime of experience (I'm 48 and have known many women) has proven that women, in general, are every bit as hot, horny and aggressive as guys are.
Edited by - COMF on 14 July 2002 16:37:38
Hey, where can I find some of those girls, COMF? :D
Well, doesn't this suck. I can't post, and I can't edit. What I said (trying for the third time) was:
Texas, man! Even Hank Jr. knows that:
I've got some fond memories of San Angelo
And I've seen some beauty queens in El Paso
But the best lookin' women that I've ever seen
Have all been in Texas, and all wearin' jeansI'm a country plowboy not a urban cowboy
And I don't ride bulls, but I have fought some men
Drive a pickup truck trust in God and luck
And I live to love Texas womenI thought I'd seen beauty in far away places
'Til I looked upon those Houston faces
Spent Hollywood nights up in Beverly Hills
But they weren't nothin' like one night down in BrownsvilleI'm a pretty fair judge of the opposite sex
And I ain't seen nothin' that will touch 'em yet
They may be from Waco or out in Lampasas
But one thing about it they all come from TexasI'm an Oiler fan, not a soccer man
And my arms are red and so is my blood
And they make it boil with that soft Texas drawl
And I love 'em all, Texas womenEdited by - COMF on 14 July 2002 15:9:57
Perfection Seeker
Once I read a survey of how often men think of sex- once per minute- or whatever- I thought- is that all?!?! I must be a nympho then- I think about sex twice per minute- on a slow day! I think of sex all day long- different places, different positions, I could have sex 10 times per day- and would never complain :-) I once went 3 days without after surgery- but that is the record. Sex, as well as making love, is awesome, why deprive yourself? :-)
Its free (for some of us-lol) fat free (use fat free coolwhip-lol) burns a few calories, and can make you smile for hours.
I can't imagine ANYONE not wanting to have sex!So, thats my two cents worth! Great post! :-)
Edited by - perfection seeker on 14 July 2002 16:33:5
I would say that both sex enjoy it as much, and would honestly do it more often then they do with more people. The thing is, woman have to worry about pregnancy and men don't. Most men say they will stay if the Baby thing happens, but in reality most don't and then the fun sex days are all over for the woman. I am not saying this is the only reason woman might be the more conservative of the two, but it is a big reason.
PS : Any man that says one woman is enough for his entire life, is not being truthful with you. He will stay with one, but he will think and dream of others. Don't have one friend that has not admitted to this.
Perfection Seeker
Ken- Your comment about any man that says one woman is enough for his entire life, is not being truthful with you- he will stay wiht one, bbut think & dream of others. DUH!! Us women do the SAME thing! It isn't exclusive to just men :-) We will stay loyal when married, but don't think we are thinking of our husbands everytime we have a daydream or a sexual fantasy. I thought it was only men who everytime they saw a woman-they wanted to know what it would be like to be in bed with her. Then I grew up......... :-) Everytime I see a man- I wonder what it would be like to stop the elevator- have a quickie, meet in a hotel room, blah blah blah. I'm sure my husband has similar thoughts. The thought, I don't think, is so bad, if you don't act on it.
Perfection Seeker: How true!!! It would be a dull world indeed if we did not ALL have fantasies. Anyone who thinks their mates always think of them everytime they think of sex is lying to themself. As my husband says "It is ok to read the menu, it is even ok to order an appetizer long as you just look at it to whet ur appetitie for your "main course"." I agree. That is why I think sharing sexual fantasy is so important (no, I don't mean saying "Dam would I luv to do your little brother.....have SOME sensitivity) and role playing can add a whole new demension to ones sex life. I cannot count the cowboys, executives, park rangers, bible boys, bikers, etc. that I have had sex with.....but my husband plays them all. And I have been secretaries, strippers, saloon girls, campers, biker chicks, etc........we don't say "Hey, I really would like to do my secretary Sue....would you pretend you are her?" You should never make it a real person you associate with, but it is ok to say "I have always wanted to have a secretary who is ready and willing at any time." Sex is supposed to be FUN!!!! :)
Geez, my spelling SUCKS
Edited by - imissthedub on 15 July 2002 9:14:8
Edited by - imissthedub on 15 July 2002 9:15:45
Perfection Seeker,
Wouldn't life just be so much more fun if we could do what we wanted ;)