My philosophy as someone seeking to improve my understanding of why things are as they are, why things work, how I can improve things for myself all comes down to a simple method: Always ask the next question.
Asking the next question allows us to build logic chains. The benefit in doing so allows us to construct mini-systems for ourselves as we grow. It is much easier to build a framework than to keep clutching at loose straws (since that just leads to frustration and we feel as if we never have any basis for anything).
As an example lets look at something really simple and since this board is religious in nature lets make some connections to that as we look at the VIRUS.
Anyone who has performed any research or reading concerning virology knows that viruses are moochers. They contain only a limited genetic blueprint and they don't have the necessary building tools. They have to invade other cells and hijack their cellular machinery to reproduce. Viruses invade by attaching to a cell and injecting their genes or by being swallowed up by the cell. A virus is an example of something known as a microbe. Its brothers and sisters include items such as bacteria, fungi, archaea and protests (enough of the boring science lesson for now huh?) If you want to see some simple explanations I have quoted some of this material for .
As humans we know viruses are BAD or some would even say EVIL. (believe it or not there are more good microbes than bad ones).
So time for some questions.
- Since we accept that viruses (according to the average human experience) bad did God create them?
- Did God change the nature of living things so that some would be bad or evil?
- Can the devil create living things in much the same way as God does? (before you rush to answer consider the implications of this link)
I am going to leave it at his for now. I will be back later to pick it up from here.
(edited to reformat the bolding etc).
Edited by - gravedancer on 14 July 2002 18:16:14