Oh my god! Tears rolled down my eyes I was laughing so hard! Eating their cell phones! HAHAHAHAHA!
the ultimate "Question Box" question
by lastcall 29 Replies latest watchtower bible
LOL Simon! Should we do it during the song? Or the first paragraph of the WT study??
I have mine set to Beethoven's "Ode to Joy". I picked it because it sounds a little churchy, and would bug the heck out of your ordinary JW who hears it.
This thread is a hoot!!! My cellphone is set to the entertainer. I think all of us should set it to the same tone and answer the phones at the sametime.
Lastcall, this is a most serious and solemn subject my brother. especially when it comes to the matter of eating cell phones. I did some research on the Wt CD and learned that eating cell phones is not condemned in the dietary laws of the Old Testemant. In the New Testement, Jesus did not comment on this, so we can assume that eating cell phones is permitted. However, they should not be eaten at the Kingdom Hall because such eating makes loud crunchy sounds which could interupt those who are sleeping. Now Simon, you think this toaster thing is a laughing matter. Oh no. There needs to be an article about this as soon as possible. Warnings need to be given. It is unscriptural to throw a plugged toaster into your wife's bath tub, whilst she is taking a bath. Very few are aware of this.
LOL!!!!!!! You all! Larc you are a riot! I'm cryin'! (sincere tears of godly joy).:)
WHHHAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're kidding! They had a meeting part on cell phones????????
I musta missed this.
Well, to be honest, I don't miss it.
I'm so glad that I can go to a church where all I hear is God's plan of salvation and the Bible message.
No judging others. (Oh, despite what my mother thought, no licence to do wicked things!) Just good and wholesome fellowship with people who recognise that we're all sinners, and we all need help. As we're able, we help others. ...... Simple, really.
But cell phones? Don't know who's got one at church. Don't care.
..........and I don't think the Lord does, either.
Cheers, Ozzie
I have mine set to the 'Mexican Hat Dance' that'd be fun get up and dance when it went off hahahha
Poor brother ozziepost, you have not understood the importance of the cell phone issue. This a majorly sign of the times, not the New York Times, but the time of the end. Please brother, consider this most important issue, while there is still time for you and your household. After my bowling game is over, I will pray for you, or, finish my six pack of beer, depending on the outcome of my bowling team's performance. Give my regards to Mrs. Ozzie and all the little Ozzies.
Thanks larc (toasting with a glass of good deep red shiraz)
So...what did the KM article say about cell phones? Are they afraid of getting anonymous calls from apostates?