"Knock, Knock" --- My Poem

by The Governor 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Governor
    The Governor

    It is Saturday morning and you hear a ring at the door bell, two men greet you looking quite swell.

    They say good morning and open up their publications and start reading without any hesitation.

    They tell you the world is getting worse, with death and human suffering you think the world must be cursed! They give you a solution after stating this sentence, it's to gain access to the paradise Earth entrance.

    "What must I do?" You ask them. They tell you that you must learn about Jehovah and all his ways, but they will fail to tell you that you must also serve men for the rest of your days.

    You must give yourself over to their organization, as not questioning the Governing Body leaders will be the key to your salvation.

    They won't tell you about the separation of family and friends due to their policy on shunning, as hearing about the suicides and depression resulting in this will likely have you running.

    They keep you interested by asking you questions with beautiful pictures and illustrations hoping that after their discussion that you may visit one of their many congregations.

    They won't tell you much about their history or past, and will even tell you their group does not consist of a hierarchy cast.

    Governing body, Elder, Pioneer, Publisher and those who participate unbaptized, is what their cast consist of who fail to see most of their lies.

    Lies consisting of 1914 and an overlapping generation, they will defend these lies to be free from the world's destructive damnation.

    "Why do they not tell me these things?" The man at the door is asking me, the writer of this poem, as all these horrible practices will give their religion a bad omen.

    The man at the door ask's himself "What do I tell these folks who seem quite religious?" To him I say "Discuss with them nicely that you do not want to be a Jehovah's Witness."

    These kind men in suits respect your decision and tell you that if you decide to take up a bible study with them, from Jehovah it is a loving provision.

    As they leave your door and continue to go house to house to preach about the good news of a restoration, you head back into your house being thankful you did not give them your dedication.
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  • naazira
    Your words are Truth!
  • Oubliette

    Um, just because phrases and sentences end with words that rhyme doesn't meant it's poetry.

    Try working on your meter and rhythm.

    Also, great poetry comes from great subjects. As fun as it is, ridiculing JWs is not a great subject.

    I suggest you get a collection of great poetry and read it out loud.

    I recommend this to get you started:

    The Norton Anthology of Poetry

  • Vanderhoven7
    There is truth and depth to your poem. No rhythm is fine. Get rid of the rhyme and you can call it free verse.

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