Well Bosho,
You have brought up some heavy, but good questions. Lets start with the questions you asked at the top of the page. lol
The problem needs to be attacked at the root, but how can that happen? Is there any behaviour in children that might point to them one day being "Abusers", is there any way it can be spotted earlier and dealt with before it can do harm?
Well, we have to start with education our children .. because they are the future parents of the next generation. It starts with dealing with community issues, and helping parents learn to be better parents themselves. Parenting 101. Children don't come w/ instructions (although at times you wish they would). Also education those parents who cannot function in our society well. They have had problems with learning themselves.. or they have not been educated to earn a better living for their children. Continual learning should be made easily available to people.
If a parent is taught what to look out for .. and signs of mental instablity ( which can lead to all types of maligined behaviors.) For example. Serial Killer, Jeffery Dalmer he would torture animals, he had some signes of learning disablities and issues at school. If that was caught at the early stages .. he could of not turned out as he did.
Also the Health Educator and Educators .. need to be more aware with their students. But that is difficult when they have class rooms crammed to the capacities and only one teacher for 30 to 50 students.
Teachers are paid much too little.. ( but also they burn out and don't earn the raises.) we need to have incentives for good teachers. An better facilities for them to teach in.
Parents have gotten too used to letting the system teach their child about the facts of life and ethics. It takes a strong parental presence ( by strong parental presence, I mean a parent with good parenting skills.)and good teachers to turn out good children. But even then there are abnormalities with children.
That is where research is a necessary. Instead of just locking these people up. They need to be studied.. to find out why and how we are creating these people in society who go out and do these things.
Resources need to be made available to families on poverty levels and working parents, Education and Health care. Why should only the rich be able to afford the best ? An it should not have to bankrupt a parent to provide care for their child. I am not talking extravagant things I am talking every day things.Many children, I have dealt with have never been able to see a good doctor to test them or they are having to depend on over worked and crowded county hospitals, health care clinics.
Samantha Runnion was a 5 year old little girl who was abducted in California. Taken right off her front yard where she was playing a game w/ another 5 yr.old. Long story short she was raped and killed. They have someone in custody now. But it took the community coming together to catch him.
We have had a rash of child abductions here in the states. Recently, tonight they found the body of a little girl who was taken yesterday. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=32395&site=3
As for English law.. I would inquire on that there. I think they do have a option of holding someone for a mental health check if they are indeed a menace to society and themselves.