Hi Dacke,
And welcome to the Board - thank you for sharing your viewpoints.
If you are an active JW you would have been at the meeting and studied the June 1st WT. On p25. is the life story of William Aihinoria. In the article he wrote the following regarding his disenchantment with 'Christendom':
Certain incidents in particular shocked me....Another time, the principal of the Baptist school attempted to abuse me sexually. I learned afterward that he was a homosexual and had abused others. I pondered these things, wondering to myself, 'Does God approve of religions whose members and even whose leaders are not held accountable for gross sins'.
His disenchantment with the standards of this one member of the Baptist church, helped him to make a decision to become a JW, where he presumably still thinks such similar things do not happen.
Why is it that the WTS cannot survive its own methods of scrutiny, and when it does become a victim of its own standards its leaders and its adherents cry foul? Can you not see double standards at play here?
Of course it is true that many persons the WTS has labeled as 'apostate' do have grievances outside of the child-abuse issue and that they are using this issue as a weapon to damage the WTS. It would be foolish to deny that there are many agendas at play here. This however is not relevant. For example, before WWII the British press, recognizing a ground-swell of sympathetic opinion via Mosesley, tried to influence its readers opinion of the National Socialists in Germany by drawing attention to the sexually perverted activity of its leaders, including Hitler who himself had a proclivity for young girls. Of course their agenda was not open warfare, but did suggest to the reader that these people were thoroughly immoral and corrupt. The child-abuse issue, is just one of many serious issues that XJW's have against the WTS and its policies, and it will be used to the hilt to bring a public awareness to all the anti-social excesses of its leaders.
Referring to the interviewer who tried to pin Mr. Jaracz down on an issue as a 'silly cow' is not helpful. He had not answered the question clearly and still has not. If you believe that he did perhaps you might inform us exactly what he meant by his cryptic comments.
Best regards - HS