There is another video up @ bbc
It handles some of the feedback they got from jw's and others.
by Satanus 18 Replies latest jw friends
There is another video up @ bbc
It handles some of the feedback they got from jw's and others.
Very enlightening clip. Thanks!
Just finished watching it. It was a good follow up to the program and answered your typical and expected JW objections. Brilliant programme. The only thing they missed were MY emails.
Yes, it's a good followup. I gotta admire the fiarness and thoroughness of the bbc. They gave the wt lots of chances. Now they are in an excellent position to refute the watchtowerists' belated bleatings. I would say the bbc bulldog is dawing a lot of blood. *yum*
Speaking of BBC feedback... I just sent the Panorama info to my family. I have no idea if they will read any of it or not, but who wants blood on thier hands? I also sent it to the mother of my children, although never a JW, when she lets my kids go to grandma's house for an overnight stay I have to step up. A stay ,that could by some evil stretch of the imagination, result in the girls going to Sunday meeting. Oh and my young sister with Down's Syndrome is another concern who, as you can guess, goes to every meeting w/the parental units. *putting on my apostate armor, just in case the family comes calling*
District Overbeer
Thanks for sharing Susan. I enjoyed that as much as I did the actual show. Both Bill and the woman reporter were fabulous!
I'm curious why you call me susan. Care to enlighten me?
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I almost missed it.
Suze! excellent. Thanks for posting suzieQ!
The rest of you numb nobbed browney dickwads stay out of this. I'm asking dutchie.