WT Media Strikes Back!!!

by silentlambs 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • silentlambs

    Top Story

    09 May 2002 Letter to BBC Panorama
    Why Christian parents can feel secure in their congregation worship

    In responding to various inquiries from the British current affairs program Panorama, Jehovah's Witnesses give extensive details about their attitude toward the abhorrent crime of child molestation. They also explain their policies for handling occasions when an accusation occurs among their members. Of special interest - read why Christian parents can feel secure in the knowledge that much effort is put forth to screen out possible child abusers from appointment to responsible positions in congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Jehovah's Witnesses and Child Protection in Britain

    Paul Gillies , spokesman for the branch of Jehovah's Witnesses comments: "Sexual abuse of children is not just a terrible sin but also a crime that can leave lasting emotional scars on its victims. Jehovah's Witnesses everywhere abhor the sexual abuse of children and wilot protect any perpetrator of such repugnant acts from the consequences of his gross sin. This is in harmony with the principle recorded at Romans 12:9."

    Recognizing that religion is in the spotlight for its handling of matters relating to this complex issue, Jehovah's Witnesses have made sure the public has access to detailed information regarding their means of responding to these matters when they may arise within a congregation. Mr. Gillies explains, "It is of deep concern to us if there is a victim of abuse who says his or her case has not been handled with sensitivity or understanding in ou eligion."

    And Mr. Gillies continues, "Elders in are directed to ensure that secular laws are adhered to. When a report is received, elders contact our National Office in for guidance to ensure that (1) the alleged victim, and other potential victims, are protected from possible abuse and (2) that counsel is given to report crime to the proper authorities and to comply with any additional legal requirements. Jehovah's Witnesses further believe that it is the absolute right of the victim, his or her family, or any others to report the matter to the authorities if they so choose. There are certainly no sanctions against any congregation member who reports an allegation of child abuse to the authorities."

    National Contact Paul Gillies , telephone: 020 8906 2211

  • Amazing

    Hi Bill: Even if this latest press release represents their policy, it is only a very recent policy that was forced on them by former JWs, and efforts such as yours. The historical performance and policy of the Watchtower has been to shield this crime, even when the law demanded it be reported. In this the Watchtower leaders are liars, bent on saving their image at the expense of the victims and any sense of truth.

  • RunningMan

    This doesn't look like much of a strike. What organization would respond with anything different from this? No one advocates child molestation.

    This issue here, is not whether they are pro-child molestation. No one is. The issue is that they have consistently looked out for their own good at the expense of victims.

    I can't see any media outlet viewing this as anything other than damage control propaganda.

  • hawkaw

    Of course the police seem to be singing a different tune - talking about cover up etc.

    And if memory serves me the Scottish police are about to charge the WTS with obstruction for a recent case.

    Seems the facts over rule the "opinions" expressed by the WTS.


  • untrusting

    In reply to Mr Gillies notice I live in England and at the age of 23 told the Head of my Congregation that I had been abused by a member of the congregation when I was Eight through to fourteen. Only to have my confidence betrayed as within an hour of telling him he went to my unsuspecting mother and blurted it out accusingly to her. He has never to this day spoken to me or my mother regarding this. I feel ive been branded a lying trouble maker. I am still a Baptised member and so are others in my family, however I no longer am active within the congregation I have children and will not put them in the predicument of trusting the untrustworthy.

  • ISP

    It looks like it was written in May. So it was a pre-emptive strike....well it was pre-emptive....well it was before the programme.


  • waiting

    Hello Untrusting - and welcome to our forum.

    I'm sorry that your first post in under these circumstances - but I understand your situation, at least from the mother point of view. My daughter was molested by a ministerial servant, who was at the same time raping his own daughter for quite a while. My daughter didn't tell me till years later - but ironically, at the same time I told those elders about it - his daughter wrote an explicit letter to them detailing the incest. They never even talked to him about it.

    I went to the police - but with so many years gone by and my daughter didn't want to talk to them........so there wasn't much they could do. The brother stayed in good standing in the congregation until his death many years later.

    Back to you............I'm so sorry for your circumstances - and applaud your ability to carry on in good faith in your congregation, knowing of the elder's gross actions towards you and your mother. I was on Prozac for years, trying to dam my anger towards men......but therapy helped more.

    However, leaving the duplicity of the WTBTS helped me more than anything else. Btw, my daughter left years ago - df'd. She's a fine woman now - and by your post, I suspect you are too. Congratulations on being a survivor.


  • crawdad2

    hi untrusting......welcome to the site........ is it to late to go to the police now?.......... and at least report it?

  • ISP

    In the UK, there was a disturbing series on paedophiles. They were still being arrested even if the offence was 20 years ago. So its not too late.


  • Marilyn

    Too little, too late. Why couldn't the WT officials approached on Panorama give the interviewer a few moments to hear out the accusations and answer them openly then? The Press Release is just too fool those already sucked in.


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