bull shit???............. it was a generic example...... similar to the cousins case...........(i might have some of the details wrong in her case)
let's see now,............. wasn't it one of the cousins girls, allison,......... who was taken to a room beneath the barn and sexually abused by her ministerial servant father over and over and over, as she was growing up?
wasn't that after her ministerial servant father had already been reproved for doing the same thing to his other daughter?.............. and when she was pleading for help from the elders, didn't they tell her she was a liar? .......... even after knowing about everything her sister went through, and reproving her father?
maybe this doesn't sound like a complete horror story to you, cause you think it's not that bad, cause jw elders are good men, with good morals........ and they would never intentionally allow a young girl to be molested over and over and over........ while they call her a liar as she cries.......... as they greedily listen to all the details everytime she comes forward, and yet never call the police.
let's see now, after the ministerial servant father was put in jail, despite the elders, and the whole thing came out in the open, didn't the body of elders who handled that get removed, (cover-up) and so the reporter was talking to a special representative who had been sent there,........ and he mentioned it was all putting alot of pressure on the congregation and didn't want to talk to the reporter because of that.
please correct some of the details if i got them wrong......... this is just the tip of the iceberg.