They do too go beyond what is written...

by Marilyn 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marilyn

    tdogg started this on another thread. His comments were:

    I wish I had that quote when I was told I had to wear a tie and suit to meeting, when I played chess, when I bought Star Wars figures, when i had to do at least 5 hrs of service a month, make a comment at every meeting, not wear top-sider shoes, never see a rated R movie, wear a no-blood bracelet, highlight all the answers in my Watchtower, not play organised sports, not salute the flag,....anyone want to take over?.....

    I'll add: being disfellowshipped and shunned for leaving quietly. Marking people who won't shun their close relatives. The door to door work. Predicting dates for Armeggedon. Not being allowed to use chicken stock cubes in cooking. obsessive concern about aluminium pots. belting kids for not sitting quiet in meetings. Anyone else?

  • ISP

    Of course they do....

    Birthdays.....Mothers/Fathers day.....Transplants at one time....oral sex

    Blood issue


  • Dizzy Cat
    Dizzy Cat

    Hey - what this about alluminium pots and stock cubes ??

    Never heard that before :o)

  • zev

    "R" and "X" rated movies

  • Dizzy Cat
    Dizzy Cat

    Certain X-rated movies could break Bible principles (quite clearly) .... so I think this needs to be struck off the list !

    Two I now recall are:

    Being a vegetarian (I was oppressed by peers in the congregation)

    Having a beard !! (very silly indeed, surely a matter for your personal choice?)

  • Been there
    Been there

    Don't know what the quote was but I will add...............

    Not eatting HOT DOGS (they were made with blood)

    Did anyone else hear of that one? I love hot dogs (yes I know whats in them).

    This reminds me of a joke...................

    A Mother Superior and another Nun were assigned to the United States from another country. On the way over Mother Superior told the Nun that she had heard they eat Dogs in America. When they got here they were walking down the street and saw a vendor selling "Hot Dogs". To fit in, Mother Superior suggested that they at least try the local food. They walk up to the stand and order two hot dogs. The vendor happily grabs two hot dogs, puts them on a bun and wraps them in foil, gives them to the Nuns. They go over to a bench and sit down to eat. Mother Superior opened the foil and quickly shut it looking shocked and embarrassed. She leaned over to the Nun and whispered in her ear " What part did you get"?

    KY Been

  • Sirona

    Ok here are some contradictions:

    You can't practice Yoga, but you can use yoga stretches and call them Pilates and its OK

    You can't support your country, salute the flag, vote, or work for the government, but you can take advantage of the governments benefits services and other services such as policing

    You can't say cheers, celebrate any so-called christian holiday, or say "bless you" because of the pagan connections, but you can use a pagan calendar, have certain pagan decor in your home (in wallpaper designs for instance), and wear a wedding ring (which has roots in paganism).

    You can't celebrate birthdays because its so-called pagan and it elevates one person, but you can celebrate anniversaries and have a nice party in honour of the couple.

    You can't give your children gifts on Christmas Day, but its OK if you give them gifts a few days before or after Dec 25th

    You can't pray to Jesus or worship Jesus, but you can walk around saying you are Christian

    You can't watch Harry Potter because of the supernatural connection which is demonic, but you can watch a film in which aliens kill people because thats just science fiction

    If you are a woman, you can't pray out loud in the presence of a baptised man (without wearing a head covering), but you can go around saying that Jehovahs Witnesses see women as equal to men

    You can't wear a skirt that is above your knee, but if you're on holiday and noone knows you, you can wear whatever you want

    You can't speak to, or associate with someone who has been disfellowshipped for adultery, but you can speak to and associate with the unbaptised person who is guilty of adultery

    You can't have friends who are not JW, but you can pretend to be a friend to someone who is not JW if you think they could be recruited

    You are discouraged from pursuing any "wordly career" or from going to college, but if you're a man, when you get married you must support your family

    You should see problems as persecution from Satan unless the person with the problems is subsequently removed from the that case the problem is Jehovah sorting out the wheat from the chaff

    You can't go to nightclubs but you can get away with going to a pub that is open until 2am

    You should look after the elderly and the orphans, unless they are not JW (in which case they're bad associates and should be generally avoided)

    You can't do any sort of charity work for "worldy" organisations, but you can allow yourself to feel righteous for handing out magazines

    You can critisise and deeply examine the catholic church and its past, but you can't look into the past of the Watchtower, and if you critisise it you may be disfellowshipped

    You can say "worldies" have no love and will die at armageddon, and also say that you don't judge people

    You can pick up on every story about catholic pedophiles, but on lots of evidence can deny it happens at your church and that the victims are liars


  • SYN

    Wow about hitting the nail on the head! Nice post! You highlighted just how ridiculous some of their Corporate Policies are!

  • plmkrzy
    Not being allowed to use chicken stock cubes in cooking. And cooking with aluminum

    I never heard of that one either. LMAO.

    Marylin, hun..are you sure you didn't hear those on the News? Thats where I heard it.

    I heard about the aluminum pots and pans but that is actually because cooking with aluminum has been proven to cause certain types of cancer.

    I remember that when ever there was a New discovery in science and health issues they would always make some kind of remark about it in the service meetings or ministry school like a side note and talk about anything that was mentioned in the WTstudy as something to be aware and contious of and use discerment when making choices. Like if you have aluminum cookware and knowing the risks involved by using it, would you want to take those chances or play it safe and replace your cookware?

    I could never understand the actual rules like NO FACIAL HAIR ON MEN. That to me was and is one of the most STUPID rules. I remember the reasoning given for it was that "All of our brothers should have and maintain a uniform and neat apperance so that they will ALL LOOK like brothers" To me it was just a step away from wearing uniforms like kids in Catholic school. Which incidently was looked down on in the society. Double standard that made no sense. Because there is no real difference in perspective.

    Please excuse errors. I'm still sleepy and too lazy to do word.


  • rosalyn


    I wish my computer had a printer. I would love to copy your post. You are bang on with the nonsense and contadictions. Well spoken. and I am sure there are many others that we could add to the list.

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