I was surprized by the deletion of the new book-for-baptism's
chapter on partaking/being anointed.
Can it be that they are thinking of de-emphasizing or fading
out this doctrine? My first reaction would be no, that this
is the basis for their supposed authority but that may not
be so.
As long as they can repeat the empty "faithful and discreet
slave" phrase AND HOLD ON TO THE PRINTING PRESSES, so what?
They may have all the authority they need to survive.
At first, I thought they didn't want young jerks partaking
right out of baptism - but the chapter's deletion cuts
both ways - removing an explanation for who these holy
grand poo-bahs are.
I wonder if the passage of decades and the fact that
the doctrine is becoming completely bogus (the "other
sheep" really run everything, except for Jaracz)have
caused them to fade this doctrine away?