Anointed Phaseout?

by metatron 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    I was surprized by the deletion of the new book-for-baptism's
    chapter on partaking/being anointed.

    Can it be that they are thinking of de-emphasizing or fading
    out this doctrine? My first reaction would be no, that this
    is the basis for their supposed authority but that may not
    be so.

    As long as they can repeat the empty "faithful and discreet
    slave" phrase AND HOLD ON TO THE PRINTING PRESSES, so what?
    They may have all the authority they need to survive.

    At first, I thought they didn't want young jerks partaking
    right out of baptism - but the chapter's deletion cuts
    both ways - removing an explanation for who these holy
    grand poo-bahs are.

    I wonder if the passage of decades and the fact that
    the doctrine is becoming completely bogus (the "other
    sheep" really run everything, except for Jaracz)have
    caused them to fade this doctrine away?


  • HoChiMin


    It seems the remaining power anointed are mostly in diapers so something has to change. They will not let the other eight thousand claimants have any say or power. Eliminating explanations from their literature such as their "abba" doctrine will slow down the number of new converts from biting the cookie.


    Edited by - HoChiMin on 16 July 2002 8:25:14

  • DanTheMan

    Ugh, this board is making me late for work again.

    Just more dumbing down. The big increase in the org is in countries where people are semi-literate and semi-educated. I think that more and more they are trying to bury their complicated doctrines of yesteryear. Now it's just:

    Adam sinned

    Jesus came

    Armageddon's coming

    then Paradise

    join us and you'll get there

    oh, and here's a list of written and unwritten rules...

  • kat7302


    you forgot to add.....

    Satan is responsible for all evil

    God forbid anyone ever thought that the wrongdoing in the congregations could be anything but!

  • zenpunk

    I think dantheman is right. They are in great need of additional convents to replace the stream of people who are leaving. They need to "lower the bar" for entry into the organization - so why clutter the mind with teachings difficult to comprehend for some.

  • metatron

    I think they may be looking at yet another doctrine with a
    freshness date that's expired. Just like the generation thing
    they may want less attention paid to what was an important
    teaching. Maybe they want to straighten out the identity of
    the faithful slave as anybody they say is faithful.


  • The Alchemist
    The Alchemist

    Who knows the way they are always getting new light perhaps in 50 years from now they will teach everyone has the heavenly calling... that is everyone who is a loyal J-Dub. Dave

  • RunningMan

    Well, there is no doubt that the anointed doctrine has as many holes as swiss cheese, and as time passes it gets worse and worse. Especially the reference to 1935. As I have shown actuarially, if their ideas are correct, then at least 85% of the anointed are fake.

    So, as a minimum, they need to distance themselves from the 1935 cut off date. But, there is yet another problem. They have also said that there would be some anointed left on earth when armageddon comes. So, it is one of their last time-related prophecies.

    The whole two tier class system smacks of elitism, within a group that already considers themselves as elite.

    Finally, they are also dogged by the persistent failure of armageddon to arrive. After all, even the Bible says, "Expectation postponed makes the heart sick".

    Maybe this is a precurser to proclaiming armageddon to be "spiritual", at some point in the distant future.

    Edited by - RunningMan on 16 July 2002 13:57:38

  • Hmmm


    Your actuarial table evidence was quite compelling. Pretty soon the number of Witnesses in that age group will be greater than the total number of people in that age group worldwide.

    I tend to agree with dantheman. They need to dumb down doctrine for the new six-month converts, with the added benefit of it being easier to scrap as they continue to maintstream.


    [pesky link doesnt work]

    Edited by - hmmm on 16 July 2002 12:7:42

    Edited by - hmmm on 16 July 2002 12:8:37

  • RunningMan

    Hmmm: Actually, I will run out of tables in another three years. The insurance industry assumes that once a group of people passes 100 years of age, they not only have high and unrealiable mortality rates, but no one is selling them insurance anyway, so they don't bother to publish the rates.

    In other words, I would say that by 2005, the old 1935 doctrine will be so far in the toilet that even the GB won't be able to see it.

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