Even Super-Ted Can't Put Bums On Seats!

by Englishman 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • BluesBrother

    I remember one occasion in the very early 60's when word got out on the grapevine that N H Knorr was giving a pre assembly talk at Twickenham on a mid week evening . Very quickly we bookeda coach ,filled it full and set off the c.60mile journey .

    The stand was full , they had to open up the rest of the stadium and we listened enthralled as he spoke for at least two hours.

    Would it happen now? I dont know . In Britain there is always a novelty value in hearing the President or a G.B . speaker wheras the Americans here them much more often.

    I know lots who would travel to hear a speaker from the U S.

  • ozziepost

    Luckily we in South Africa, being just a pimple on the ass of the JW world so to speak, have never had the "benefit" of a GB member giving us a 3 hour talk.
    Really? That's interesting, I wonder why they haven't been? Are you sure? Can anyone else confirm this?

  • FriendlyFellaAL


    Sorry about this, but everytime I see this topic I can't help but think of the original SuperTed:


    Funny, I can't imagine old Teddy Jaracz will have a Saturday morning cartoon show based upon his adventures.


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