I was asking because look at all the problems religion are causing :september 11,middle east crisis,waco disaster,clashes in ireland,paedophiles priests,suicide bombings,papal system etc.But think if masses of people protested it my not ban religion completely,but it could make a start to banning it.But the trouble again is that a lot of people want religion even if it is full of @*~t,yeh and why is it that people know theres problems in there religion but wont take a stand,Why are religious people are such cowards to the truth.Saying that though if i managed to get say jws banned from preaching i would be fulfilling bible prophecy mmm how cool LOL
Will religion ever be banned?
by haujobbz 51 Replies latest jw friends
Ahhhhh...the irony..the catch-22 of the whole question...
If religion was banned...there would never be freedom...etc..
And even though many unholy things are done in the name of God or Allah etc many good things are done as well....
So..to answer your question...ummm..NO
Spice of the non-religious class
btw - my religion is not having a religon....lol
But does the good weight out the bad?And yes i know the question was ironic lol!!
Probably not in America, thank goodness for freedom! I could see it probably getting regulated for the reasons you mentioned though, being a threat to freedom and liberty and endangering others lives.
Hopefully the GB will all be arrested for being accomplices to child rape, that would be oh so nice to see.
Syllabication: Religion
1a. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe. b. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.
2. The life or condition of a person in a religious order.
3. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.
4. A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.From this definition, I don't think that religion can ever be banned.
1a. People seem to explain the unexplainable with supernatural power(s), particularly the origins of life. Until we have all the answers (not for a long, long long time), there will always be some people who will believe in [a] supernatural power[s].
1b. Now religion being a system is an iteresting point. With this definition, we can argue that until we have no systems we believe in (money, democracy, commercialism, communism, lotsofotherisms) we will have religion, so the end of religion would be the end of the belief in personal and institutionalizes systems, which in turn would be the end of those respective systems.
2. Religious order..see above. We are all in some sort of religious order, and we all have lives (arguable?) so we all until all life has ended, religion will not end.
3. There might be a day when we have no spiritual leader, a day when we have explained everything and have no need for the assistance of spirits to help us explain the unknown. So this kind of religion could end. On the other hand, we can all be our own religious leader (spiritual or not) so that doesn't really hold water.
4. Until the day where humans have no zeal or devotion is a day where humanity ceases to exist. this zeal is a large part of humanity, from its early beginnings (learning to walk on 2 legs :) ) to today (building a space station to house all our boy bands). These things are so deeply rooted in humanity that they could never be taken away.
When someone says "Religion is going to end" they are completely crazy. It might be regulated and restricted, but never entirly banned. You may be persecuted for your beliefs, but that can be a good thing. For example, Human sacrifice was a part of some religious orginizations. That kind of religious practices should be stopped. But to say that religion could ever be banned is idiotic.
Edited by - truthseeker1 on 16 July 2002 13:2:4
Edited by - truthseeker1 on 16 July 2002 13:3:49
Edited by - truthseeker1 on 16 July 2002 13:4:6
William Penwell
I don't think you would ever see a ban on religion. Although I am not religious I believe that everyone has a right to believe the way they want and I would defend their rights to believe that way. I think what you may see is as more and more people become educated, they will start to drift away from the main stream religions. They will develop their own belief systems away from all organized religions.
The best way to get people to observe some sort of religion...is to tell them they arent allowed too ;)
Very true william i think more will become more educated and leave religious organisations to form there own religious beliefs and be able to have there own individual thoughts on the bible and not have their thoughts dictated to them by someone else.
not to mention that people are becoming more enlightened...as to the supernatural phenomenon. We have many more resources at our finger tips as well as much more technology. When we can create things that our parents, and grandparents would have considered miracles....it tends to throw the whole belief in god and deities out of whack.
The more that the die-hard religious ones die..the younger generation will have a new "spituality" trend set and you won't see as many organizations with as much power as they have today.
The Catholic church as well as the JW's will fall...the ones that will stand a better chance IMO are the Eastern Religions (such as Buddism, Taoism etc) as they focus on harmony within oneself.
it will happen on its own...of that I am absolutely sure of...its why i continue to breathe.
Good point Spice,
We still have people who are afraid of computers, can you imagine when all these geezers die out, people who think/believe a bunch of BS crap from 70 years ago....LOL