Studies in the Scriptures - Free Download

by apostate 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • apostate

    Read Pastor Charles Taze Russell's most celebrated works!

    Studies in the Scriptures - Download your free copy today!

    These writings are in PDF format. You need the Adobe Acrobat reader software to view them.

    Download Adobe Acrobat for free:,10152,0-10068-110-2351460,00.html?gid=15088&tag=st.dl.10068-100-2351460.ur.10068-110-2351460

    1. The Divine Plan of the Ages

    2. The Time is at Hand

    3. Thy Kingdom Come

    4. The Battle of Armageddon

    5. The At-One-Ment Between God and Man

    6. The New Creation

    Pastor Russell's Sermons


    Excellent research tool for active JW's! Those "mentally diseased, spiritual fornicators" who dare to question Watchtower teachings frequently cote from these books. Now you can check for yourself if they lie or not. These rare to find books worth hundreds of Dollars on eBay!

    Edited by - apostate on 10 March 2001 18:1:28

  • Frenchy
    Now you can check for yourself if they lie or not

    Hmmm... How do we tell if this stuff hasn't been altered?

  • apostate

    That’s possible! But don’t bound volume reprints too go through some changes time to time without a notice? That doesn't seem to be a problem for many.

  • RR

    They haven't been altered, in fact this is the LAST edition that Pastor Russell published. They wouldn't be Bible Students if they altered Russell's writings would they?

    Less Religion and more Jesus!

  • Scorpion


    Why should we accept your word for what is or is not altered by the BS?

    There are some of the BS that I have dealt with that have been unaware of some of the changes in the Studies in the Scriptures by Russell himself.

    The term Bible Student means nothing. You yourself have said that there are differences in the Bible Student faiths as far as what is accepted as truths from Russell.

    If you wish for me to post a few of the changes that were suppossed to be truths and dates of God, as far as Russells opinion, I will gladly do so.

  • RR

    Scorp. We're not talking about Russell's chnages to his writings, we're talking about Bible Student changes to his writings. And I can assure you that the volumes on the Bible site are the last edition published by Russell.

    F.Y.I. In case you didn't know, unlike the Society, Russell told his readers of the changes he made in the volumes, there is a list in the Early Watch Towers, where he advises his readers to note certain changes and then begins to document these changes, aside from that any new thoughts were published in the Towers, and then noted in the forewords of teh volumes.

    Less Religion and more Jesus!

  • Scorpion


    So much for Russell's promise of 1914. His meanings as well as the dates and measurements he set were in fact changed by Russell himself.

    There is no reason for changing the figures; they are God's dates, not ours; 1914 is not the date for the beginning, but the end! WT 7/15/1894

    "We did not sat positively that this would be the year." WT 11/1/1914

    How can one like yourself still believe in the nonsense Russell taught?

    I wonder how one can be a Bible Student in the sense of promoting Russell's works, when there is a division amongst the BS faiths as far as what is accepted in the works of Russell.

  • RR


    So much for Russell's promise of 1914. His meanings as well as the dates and measurements he set were in fact changed by Russell himself.

    Actually, Russell NEVER measured the pyramid, he took it upon faith what Piazzi Smyth had recorded, later it was Smyth who Changed the measurements, when he went back on another visit. Russell then had no choice but to make the correction, the change did not it any way alter the theology.

    There is no reason for changing the figures; they are God's dates, not ours; 1914 is not the date for the beginning, but the end! WT 7/15/1894

    And I agree, Russell did not chnage the dates, the dates WERE accurate, the expectations were not!

    "We did not sat [say] positively that this would be the year." WT 11/1/1914

    I think the key word is "positively," I could show you a dozen or so references to this effect.

    How can one like yourself still believe in the nonsense Russell taught?

    Because I am a 'fool for Christ.' And the truth is to be nonsense to those who can't or won't see it!

    I wonder how one can be a Bible Student in the sense of promoting Russell's works, when there is a division amongst the BS faiths as far as what is accepted in the works of Russell.

    Hmmm ... kind of like the hundreds of different Christian denominations who ALL claim to be teaching the Bible.

    Less Religion and more Jesus!

    Edited by - RR on 13 March 2001 21:18:55

  • Scorpion


    The change in the measurements may not have altered the theology, but it did change the date 1914 to 1915.

    So much for God's date that could not be changed.

    ...the battle of the great day of God Almighty' (Rev.16:14.), which will end in A.D.1914 with the complete overthrow of earth's present rulership, is already commenced. The gathering of the armies is plainly visible from the standpoint of God's Word. VOLUME 2 STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES PAGE 101 (1889 edition)

    The above date 1914 was changed to 1915 in the later 1911 editions of SS. Russell himself changed the (DATE).

    Either you must not be aware of this change as many Bible Students are not, or you chose to ignore the obvious.

  • Scorpion


    I own both editions 1889 and 1911 of Studies in the Scriptures. Just thought I would mention that so as not to be accused of mis-typing or mis-quoting Russell as far as (his) date changing.

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