A Question for My British and Australian Friends

by Room 215 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    Interesting question and point as always, Roomie.

    Just sitting @ my keyboard, enjoying an espresso, while Mrs Ozzie soaks in a bubble bath, here's a few thoughts:

    1. JWs in Australia have a long history. They were one of the first places reached by the followers of C T Russell and establsihed a depot in Melbourne. In those times, the "organisation" was established here with some British roots. The name was the British one of IBSA (International Bible Students Association), and Australia was, at that time, a British colony. That being said, the response was, and still is, quite unremarkable.

    2. Australia has a strong Catholic heritage and, as we know, there is a great response among Catholic folk to the JWs message. (Similarly, they both proclaim salvation by works.)

    3. Australia has grown with an individual culture that is part-American. We even had a Prime Minister who proclaimed "All the way with LBJ!" Well, Australia is very receptive to anything American, like entertainment, etc. On the religious front, there are a number of American-based religions/churches here.

    Just a few random thoughts.

    Cheers, Ozzie

    Freedom mean not having to wear a tie.

  • ozziepost

    G'day SYN,

    I'm curious: Why do you show the USA as your place of residence in your profile? Are you in SA? Don't be shy!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Grunt

    First you send us your religious fanatics, overcoming the narrowmindedness of the Puritans has been a job as you put them in here so early in our development, then you send us your criminals, then you buy up our corporations (I buy BP gas and eat BurgerKings) while complaining that we use too much gas and sell too many hamburgers. After sending us the Presbyterians (that ring any Russelite bells?) and influencing old Taze through the Adventists (and was a Brit named Storey involved?) shipping us the fundies you complain when it spreads BACK? Wow. As for simplistic, much as I love Shaws description of the leader of the Salvation Army (General Booth led boldly with his big, bass drum) and its alliteration I wouldn't call it a complicated religon exactly. You burn Washington, sell smallpox infected blankets to turn the indians against us, try to raise rebellions with Tecumseh and then support the Confederacy in its effort to divide the country (thanks by the way, my Great Grandad was a rebel)and now, despite my having to watch Austrailian actors portray Americans fighting the British, you have the nerve to complain when some of the problems flow back up the pipe. Just the Puritans was enough. They remind me of the Witnesses in a lot of their attitudes.
    I forgive you for the sake of the Stones and all the other music you sold me. Also, shallow as he was, I liked James Bond. Besides, if you hadn't mistreated the Irish so badly, I wouldn't be here! I'm told that watching the few GOOD potatoes shipped to England is what forced a lot of my ancestors to leave for the wilds.


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