Has Crawdad Gone Linear?

by Windchaser 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • GarbageGirl

    For Gaaawwwds sake Snoozy.....

    GET PAST YOURSELF ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    You're story has become tired. You are tired. This is all old. Everything about you is tired and old.

    Someone must have an awfully guitly conscience if they feel the need to repeatedly post about how "innocent" they are. Especiially when they "seek out" the posts of others to make sure they get their two cents in.

    Get over it Snoozy, NOBODY CARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Edited to correct spelling errors.

    Edited by - GarbageGirl on 17 July 2002 17:8:19


    Crawdad got the boot?Good for you Simon!!! The weasley bastard was constantly up to no good...OUTLAW

  • morrisamb

    There is no question Crawdad had problems. I hope he gets help. He was obsessive and demanding...in one day he wrote me about 8 times, beligerant emails demanding I see things the way he sees them. Of course, free spirit that I am, I listened and made up my own mind. Then he posts on here that he totally doesn't support my book, that he supports everything else but my book and morrisamb! I took that as a compliment.

    On the other hand, the whole experience was so abusive, it was shocking, and at the same time not.

    I almost felt like a Witness again.

    I just decided to not EVER post on one of his threads or respond to a post of his.

    I wish him no ill and hope he finds peace.

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Poor baby! Why don't you direct it at who you are really angry at?

    I'm too old to play games with you!

    Golden Girl...

  • GarbageGirl
    Poor baby! Why don't you direct it at who you are really angry at?

    Being it is you....I believe I did! No one else is as evil and vindictive as you.

    Now .....go away...shuuue!!! You're not wanted here anymore!

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Gee..that's amazing! From what I hear..They are shocked at how you guys talk to me!

    Your Garbage mouth is getting attention!

    Better clean up your act.

    I play that big a role in your life? Remember I am NOT your mother...don't take your anger for her out on me. That is what I think you are subconsciously doing!

    Hope you can cool down...You are only hurting yourself...

    Golden Girl

  • GarbageGirl
    RememberI am NOT your mother...don't take your anger for her out on me. That is what I think you are subconsciously doing!

    You know....strangely enough.....as psycho as my mother is....you are far worse! I can't believe I finally came across someone worse than my own mother. You have stooped lower than even she would have done. You are in a category all of your own. And I don't mean that as a compliment either!

    You really are a miserable person.

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Kristina...I have tried to be nice to you..You apparently have a personal problem that you can't control.. And I think one of them is the way your JW Mother treated you. Stop and think! I have really not done anything obnoxious to you. I think the more you say that the more you believe it! I felt sorry for Crawdad. I know what you guys did to him..Pushed him over the edge. He E Mailed me quite a while back. I saw his spine removed from his back !" I guess all he had left was bitterness and anger!

    I think it's time we all moved on! But you Kristina..really do have an anger problem. I hope you get it resolved someday...Best of luck to you...

    Golden Girl aka...Snoozy

    Edited by - Golden Girl on 20 July 2002 2:47:39

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