Before you open that door....

by Bona Dea 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • SYN

    Bleep: I will never, ever resort to name-calling. It's somewhat childish and usually just serves to offend the name-callee.

    However, I will not reserve my vitriol for the book publishing company formerly known as a religion you profess to worship, not until most of it's core policies are modified and subjected to public scrutiny and a democratic process.

    Remember, Christ came "invisibly" in 1914. Bravo.

    He hasn't really done much since then, has he?

  • D8TA

    Is poor little Bleepy-Weepy feeling they are being persecuted?....awwwwweeee. * sniff *

    Because they just proved my point on being Intollerant Elitist Bigot with the replying post......awwwwee. * sniff *

    Now we can add SELF RIGHTEOUS!

    Too bad. Welcome to the "Real World".

    By the way, if you find me being insensitive? THAT'S RIGHT, I AM...AND DAMN PROUD OF IT.


  • Crazy151drinker


    "it is a great joy and hope to see the day of no hunger or pain or death. Ever wonder why there are still hunger pain and death? That is the way Satan likes it. He cares for no human.

    I am sure if this was Gods world he would have it easy to live."

    I thought you said Jesus has been ruling the world since 1914, so how can Satan be in control? Can you please get your story straight and stick to it........

  • Bleep

    I never said Jesus was ruling the earth. Where did you get that idea?

  • Bang


    I am sure if this was Gods world he would have it easy to live.

    This is true jw thinking, and their excuse.

    Ever wonder why there are still hunger pain and death?

    I can look to the nearest kh to know well why 'the poor are always with us'.

    It's so easy to point the finger at jws that it disgusts me to be involved in it - I would much prefer to rev up those who can at least call a spade a spade. That's an ozzy saying about honesty - one who can call a spade a spade (it's not a shovel).


  • Bona Dea
    Bona Dea


    I have no idea what you define as "normal". I have my own ideas about what I call normalcy, and most of the stuff I've written above does NOT fit within the realm of normalcy...IMO. Perhaps, it does to you and that is fine.

    The reason behind me printing this, is not to "put down" the JWs but rather to inform innocent householders of the things they do not tell you right away. All of us here know that it is usually a long, slow process from the time they knock on that door and begin explaining (over and over again) why they alone are right and they alone have the truth about the bible...continuing week after week, until eventually anything they say or do makes sense, no matter how outrageous it would have sounded to us if we'd been told that immediately. I'm sorry if you have a problem with me, or anyone else for that matter, trying to inform people about the organization. Nothing I wrote is untrue...

  • Bona Dea
    Bona Dea

    That must be a really tiny font with little or no margins or other white space, because when I cut and pasted the text into Word, it came out to 9 pages! Great information, though!

    LOL, is super tiny. I used: font:Arial size:8 pt; Margins: left/right:1 inch, top/bottom .5.

    I will be editing it some. I noticed that I mentioned the YMCA twice. I will probably take out a few of the Watchtower article quotes and limit those to two per point I'm trying to make, and I'm going to take out some of the dates and details about them. I haven't decided how to do this but I'm hoping to get it down to one page front and back.

    Thanks everyone for you input!!

  • SpiceItUp

    Bona--- I wanted to say I thought you did a good job...and also to wish you "good luck" in your endeavour (sp?).


  • Bona Dea
    Bona Dea

    Thanks Spice!!

  • simplesally

    Good research...... If you are limited in space, I would edit out the dates that are pre-Barbour and then edit out some of the publishing stuff. But definitely leave in the failed predictions (ie telling the COs and DO's to announce Armegeddon will definitely be here by 1975).

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