We are slowly moving away from that kind of preaching work

by oppostate 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    John Hoyle--JWs go knocking on strangers’ doors and try to get inside homes to preach.

    WT rep--“We are slowly moving away from that kind of preaching work,”
    “We do more preaching by using literature carts and personal telephone calls.”

    It`s actually a Brilliant move..

    People have access to information now because of the Internet..

    If JWs go from door to door,they may find out something the WBT$ doesn`t want them to hear..

    The WBT$ Literature carts both puts JWs in the Public View and Isolates them From the Public..

    ........Nobody Talks To Us.......I Have To Pee..

    ..............Image result for Watchtower literature cart


  • MagicMItchJensen

    I know we were told to focus on "Informal Witnessing", "Supermarket and Cart Witnessing" because the territory was becoming a waste of time. In Malls their allowed a literature table near the dark-side, its near the bathrooms and out of the main traffic flow so they don't bother anyone by offending patrons.

    To break down the most effective witnessing methods here's how things at our Kingdom Hall, you must remember each method is greatly embellished plus the hours we are receiving to send to the Organization are not factual, they are fake or as the World say's "They cooked the books".

    1. Door to door has the largest time spent per hour.

    2. Cart and Table Witnessesing, they sit on a chair in low traffic areas where very few people walk buy and sit.

    3. Writing letters and Phone Calls are next and often those getting the letters will ask the Witness to stop sending letters because their throwing them away.

    We had complaints at our Kingdom Hall by people who were very angry they were getting phone calls at 8:15 pm and letters of the elderly rambling about things that factually are not true that "the World is falling apart" so what kind of witnessing should they do if they feel like their not being productive?

    The Assembly Parts are very unfair, they tell big Whoopers making the majority who care feel guilty. Stories and demos are shared, they hint that some how the more active Witnesses have ten or more Bible Studies because they are using ingenious methods of getting the householders eyes opened. If your a older witness how is this suppose to make you feel, guilty or not guilty? Perhaps your not using "ingenious methods to communicate God's Organization's method of teaching the eye opening truth!" How many times did you visit the friends who were severely depressed because they hear about all the success the men and women using their spiritual riches are doubling the Master's talents he gave each steward while their stuck at home unable to multiply all his riches, it's not fair to each of the member of the group to get kicked why their feeling down.

  • Oubliette

    Cart to cart we go, preaching of the Kingdom!

  • joe134cd
    If watchtower really wanted to go where the people were. They would of fully embraced the internet and social networking years ago. This is the most cost effective and fastest way of reaching the masses. Their reluctance to do do is now forcing the public to go through unofficial means to find their information, and more often than not this information isn't favorable.
  • careful
    For what it's worth, they came to my door this week. They waited after they knocked too. I just don't respond any more. It's the safest course in my situation. Sure, they've got this new avenue they're pushing, but I don't see them giving up on their signature modus operandi. In the last year they've come at least 3 times to my home, and the same congo runs a booth outside the local Walmart as well.

    We all know that change happens in the WTBTS for only a few reasons:

    1) Money problems. ( their actions costing them money )

    2) The passage of time proving them wrong and it's so embarrassing that it must be "adjusted."

    3) Getting caught red-handed. ( UN NGO/ CONTI Case )

    4) Membership is down or there is a downward trend.

    5) Money problems. ( yeah I repeated that on purpose )

    While the WTBTS has experience all of these before, it seems they are all coming together. The 100 year anniversary of Jesus' rule has come and gone with no Big A. They are losing an entire generation to death. They are getting hammered in court. The media has zero issues with publicizing their dirty laundry. They blew $800,000,000 or so they claim, they are having $$$ issues.

    So switching to cart-witnessing would be wise. They have the "right" to religious beliefs, the "right" to peaceful assembly. If it keeps JW Pedos in line and mitigates lawsuits, the ORG would be stupid not to release nu-light about the preaching method. Also, if I were a GB member, I would also decree ( hardy-har..) that there is a new understanding of "ordained ministers." These two adjustments should happen together.

    By making ONLY "qualified" Elders "ordained", the GB can pass the buck to the local BOEs. Just think, to be "ordained" you must be baptized and an Elder to qualify, can you say "background check?"

    These "qualified" ones must sign agreements, of course. Then they can take the lead in the new cart witnessing. So the Eldubs will be responsible for who helps with the cart witnessing. They can keep the pedos with them and away from the public. If the public approaches silent JWs at a cart and cause trouble....it's litigation time!

    These two changes, together, would be a HUGE win/win for the BORG. The public would feel better. It makes the GB look like they are instituting reform while not forbidding pedos from their right to worship and Pedos would be less likely to re-offend or feel discriminated against.

    It would also shift responsibility to the Eldubs who would never see it coming. It would also make burn-out dubs feel like the GB cares! WIN/WIN!!!!


  • OrphanCrow

    So, if the goal is to eliminate the door to door work, and only use cart witnessing, and the carts are only manned by pioneers, what happens to the "publisher" status? I think that status will disappear, to be replaced with "baptized member".

    Again, my soap box....I think this is part of the restructuring going on to make the taxman happy.

    The WTS has to increase "membership" numbers to show the taxman that the organization is supported by membership donations. The elders can't be "members". They are "clergy" now. The pioneers are the "volunteer force" or maybe part of "The Order" and the baptized ones are "members".

    The WTS is restructuring to make itself operate like all the other religions.

    So the publisher will disappear.They are not going to need them. They will just be "members". Which explains why the babies are getting baptized - they can't be counted in the unbaptized publisher count anymore as members - that category won't exist.

    Besides, a large portion of their literature distribution is targeted to foreign languages. The literature will simply be used for in-house indoctrination and 'given' to the members. Who will donate money back to them.

    Or the literature will be sold to foreign countries as part of literacy programming. That is a good use for the printing facilities and such - sell religious propaganda to foreign countries and call it 'language revitalization'.

    The publisher status will no longer be useful. It will disappear. But the baptized status is the up and coming parameters of what defines "membership" rules in the JW religion.

    It is all part of the same picture - the taxman is looking real hard at the WTS - they don't make changes unless they have to and they don't want to give up that tax free status - it's their golden ticket to heaven.

    *to add - Oh yeah, I can't wait to hear the spin on this one. They will stop the door to door work and the JWs will shake in their boots - it will be that time "when the preaching work is stopped!!!!"...when? tada! Right Before The End!!!!!! The WTS has already been sowing the seeds for that one in recent Watchtowers.

    In the meantime, the WTS is chuckling because over across the big pond somewhere, or in a warm sunny clime on the south half of this planet, they will be shaking the hand of some government official after signing another contract for a shipment of the latest 'literacy' aids to them.

  • careful


    I think they're not going onto the web previously is mainly due to their earlier experience with it. To them it was source of problems, two kinds of "evil". Brothers were accessing porn like never before. Some bros. would go online with their wives, showing them oral sex, threesomes, etc. and then try to get their wives to try such things out. Without going off on a tangent into the morality of such sexual things, to the service department and the GB, that is, in their limited experience, the net was a source of trouble. The same was just as true, indeed perhaps more so, with their view of apostasy. The net was THE source of many losing their faith in the org as God's sole spokesman on earth. Can you see why they distrusted it so much?

    The remarkable thing here is that something, or more likely some things, really caused them to do an about face here, in a very big way. It would be interesting to know just what those factors were...

  • Heaven

    punky, I love your cartoon!

    As for the 'we are slowly moving away from that kind of preaching'... this would explain why they aren't knocking on my door. I've been working from home full time now for a year and they aren't coming here (except once to deliver the Crapvention invite. They rang the doorbell and by the time I got downstairs, they were long gone).

  • 3rdgen

    Orphan crow makes excellent points.

    If I were still "in" I would be THRILLED if dtd were "optional"

    The masses will be relieved that it is so much easier to be a JW these days. I hate to say it but I think it is a smart move by the WTBT$.

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